Oh the irony...
So Friday buttmonkey was upset over a half hour. Or he wasn't upset and was just screwing around - who knows. I was annoyed and that's pretty much all that matters. The ironic part? The buttmonkey's wife called this morning saying he was late because he had to help take the puppy to the vet because it has a bladder infection.
Um, so wait... It's okay that he's over two hours late so he can HELP his wife take a puppy to the vet - but he can whine when someone else wants to take a half-hour off?
I have NO idea why this is bothering me so much.
Maybe because I've been here for such a long time that I feel I've earned my time off. And what's the point of HAVING it if you can't take it when you want? It isn't as though I've exhausted all available time off - and I'm just leaving anyway. Nope. I have just under 4 weeks of vacation and 1 week of sick time available.
I think I need a hobby.
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Xx-Lunar-Angel-xX Community Member |
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A grown man helping a grown women take a puppy to a vet....WOW. I would have thought of a better excuse than that. whee