Whoot i got my hair fixed monday!!! UGH THANK GOD! It freaking cost ALOT thou! but now i have pretty hair again! It took 3 hrs to fix neutral lol by the time she was done my head and neck where hurting razz but none o fmy hair fell out or broke!! which she was shocked at! and my head didnt get irritated at all...also another shock for her lol i gots a stubborn head! lol but yeah she dyed it atleast 7 different times just to get it fixed...my hair is unique i guess.. rolleyes the black didnt want to get off certain parts of the hair that is usally the first to come off quickly! but yeah when we were there some lady got arrested for stealing their most expensive product! but yeah total the corrective repair,a small bottle of protien repair shampoo/conditioner,and a tip(def that!) it all came out to be $157 eek i guess it was worth it since my hair isnt rainbowed anymore 4laugh