I was going out with this great guy last year then one night over the summer he ended it. It took me about 7 months to know the truth about why he did. In some of that time i started going out with my current lover. Hes really nice and takes care of me and treats me with respect. I found out that my ex whom i still have feelings for still feels the same way he did about me before he broke my heart. We talk but not that often. The thing is that i love him so much, but the guy im with right now isnt happy about that and he gets jealous easily. But i love him. I love him so much. almost as much as my ex. They both mean so much to me. but one of them is very sick and it kills me to think of him as being ill but idk. I want to be with both but i dont want to hurt them and i dont want to get hurt in return. my mom and one of my very good friends both think that i should just break it off with my bf and go back out with my ex. but i dont fell like i can do that. i want to but then i dont. im very confused but i always am. its just in my nature. i want to be with my bf because i feel a strong connection with him but then i feel like i have a stronger connection with him. they both love and cherish me but for different reasons. they are polar opposites and they make me feel happy. im polar opposite with my bf but not with my ex. its weird. o