The Sound That Sand makes. (A Kabuto and Gaara story) *3*
By xiararose or XiaraXrose
The blue hands came closer and closer to you. You though fast and pulled out two kunai and jumped up. Kabuto saw this and jumped also. He would go towards you with blue hands and you would block them with kunai. You guys started to fall to the ground and you kicked him in the stomach. He flew back a little and you landed on the nearest tree branch. You felt a smile pierce your lips, "You giving up yet?!" You watched Kabuto fall the rest of the way down and hit the ground. You jumped from the tree and placed the kunai next to his neck, then suddenly Kabuto dissapeared in smoke and a tree trunk was standing there instead. "Dang." You grunted as you searched around for the purple ninja.
You looked into the trees and saw nothing unusual. "Well I guess I'll have to search around then." You told yourself as you made a handsign, "Shadow clone jutsu." Then suddenly two more of you appeared each side of you. Afterwords you jumped off into the trees in search of your friend.
You jumped from branch to branch along with your clones going in oposite directions. You heard footsteps coming behind you, but when you turned your head it was to late. Your body slammed into a tree and a grinning Kabuto was pinning you down against it. "Now I got you where I want you." Kabuto whispered in your ear making it p***k up. You saw him come close to your face almost touching noses, and he brushed his lips against yours. You felt your face flush red and you tried to squirm away. Yet half of you didn't want to.
From the corner of your eye you saw him pull out a kunai from his pouch. Not bad Kabuto. You pulled out your kunai also and knicked him on the side of his stomach making him jump back. "Don't play with my emotions." You told him angrily as you threw the kunai at his head again. It trailed red while it whizzed by his head scratching the side of his cheek. "Wow, it must be that time of the month." Kabuto commented slyly as he threw shuriken at you. Quickly, you pulled out your fan and hitted them away, "For the last time I'M NOT PMS-ING!"
Wait, thats what he wants me to do. Get mad so he'll get the best of me. You weren't paying attention when kicked you on the side of your leg causing you to fall off the branch. "Dangit Kabuto!" You yelled as you made another shadow clone just in time catching you. Then at the same time guys got ready to punch him. But right when you started to get him he did a round-house kick and your clone dissapeared and you flew back.
Your body skidded along the ground forcefully. Your eyes fluttered a little looking at him coming closer to you getting ready to deck you. Right when he was about to kick you caught his foot in time. "What the?!" Kabuto yelped as you pulled him down on the ground next to you. You then jumped on top of him and held a kunai to his neck. "You done." You growled as you looked into his eyes for a answer.
He grinned happily and rolled his head to the side, "Fine you win this time." You felt a smile creep along your face and you gave him a huge hug. "I did it! I did it! I finally beat you!" You chanted happily. Kabuto grunted a little, "Now could you please get off of me. I need to heal some injuries." You nodded and slid off of him as he held a hand up to his leg and glowing green came from it. You saw blood coming from his chest making his purple shirt get messed up. "Here let me get your chest." You replied while you lifted up his shirt.
You stuck your hands on his ribcage and your hands glowed green also. But not only were your hands started to glow but your face was also getting pink. 'Why am I getting these wierd feeling around him?' Kabuto finished healing the burn wound on his leg and looked up at your face, you could feel his dark eyes bearing down on you. You lifted your hands off his chest and pulled his shirt down. "So, do you know why Suna wants you so bad?" Kabuto asked as he layed down on the ground and supported his head with his hands. "If I told you, do you promise not to be angry at me?" You asked while staring at the clouds. Kabuto looked at you emotionless, "You know how I am about promises. You nodded and started your story.
When you were finished you looked at Kabuto for a response but his mouth was agaped. "I knew the Sound Village kidnapped you, but from the Sand village? That is a very daring task." You nodded and looked at you left leg that had hieroglyphics tatooed all the way down from the side of your left thigh to your mid knee. It was used for summoning the one thing that your whole life revolved around, the Pheonix.
The ironic part is just like how the pheonix was reborn out of it's own ashes, so were you. When your house and your life burned down, a new life molded from the Sound Village. Yet now you could feel your life being reborn again.
"So baiscally they want you back... why?" Kabuto asked while looking into your eyes again. "I'm not so sure myself." You told him while looking at him. "Listen about today, with the whole lip lock thing. We're okay right?" Kabuto started to get up and pull out a kunai from a tree. "Yeah we're cool." You said as you started to get up and grabbed the shurinken from the ground.
The next day was the big day. You yawned from hearing scrambling from ninja and other people in the lair. You yawned and got dressed in your regular ninja uniform. Getting ready for the day you packed your things in a bag to leave. You exited your room and left towards Kabuto's room. You knocked on the door and slid it open. You saw Kabuto looking out his window and staring outside. "Kabuto?" You startled him and he whipped his head around. "Hm?" You did a heavy sigh, "Suna. Remember?" Kabuto eyes went open and he adjusted his glasses on his face. "Oh, right." He got up and reached for his bag and walked towards you. "So, I guess we better get Lord Orchimaru to tell him where we're going." You nodded and walked outside of his room. Kabuto followed and closed his door behind him.
You felt a sadness take over you when you realized that it was the last time that you were going to be there.