5:50 Here my annoying alarm and quickly shut it off.
6:00 Go to the bathroom and finish my hair.
6:20 Eat breakfast consisting of pancakes or cereal.
6:34 Finish my makeup.
6:40 Do morning chores consiting with my pets.
6:50 Sit on the couch and watch t.v.
7:00 Got to my bus stop.
7:08 Get on the bus.
7:30 Arrive at school.
7:34 Head to the Library to chat among friends.
7:44 Actucal school day starts.
12:23 Head to lunch.
12:48 Back to Mythology class.
2:39 Done with French and goes back to the lockers.
2:44 Head to the row of buses.
3:11 Arrive at home.
3:30 Start Homwork
6:00 Eat dinner
7:00 Go on the computer
9:ish Take a shower
10:30 Go to bed.
12:00 Actually fall asleep.