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carve your name into my arm
what if I:
1] I committed suicide:
[2] I said I liked you:
[3] I kissed you:
[4] I lived next door to you:
[5] I started smoking:
[6] I stole something:
[7] I was hospitalized:
[8] I ran away from home:
[9] I got into a fight and you weren't there:

What do you think about my:
[1] Personality:
[2] Eyes:
[3] Face:
[4] Hair:
[5] Clothes:
[6] Mannerisms:

[1] Who are you?
[2] Are we friends?
[3] When and how did we meet?
[4] How have I affected you?
[5] What do you think of me?
[6] What's the fondest memory you have of me?
[7] How long do you think we will be friends or enemies?
[8] Do you love me?
[9] Have I ever hurt you?
[10] Would you hug me?
[11] Would you kiss me?
[12] Would you ******** me?
[13] Would you marry me?
[14] Emotionally, what stands out?
[15] Do you wish I was cooler?
[16] On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I?
[17] Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
[18] Am I loveable?
[19] How long have you known me?
[20] Describe me in one word.
[21] What was your first impression?
[22] Do you still think that way about me now?
[23] What do you think my weakness is?
[24] Do you think I'll get married?
[25] What about me makes you happy?
[26] What about me makes you sad?
[27] What reminds you of me?
[28] What's something you would change about me?
[29] How well do you know me?
[30] Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
[31] Do you think I would kill someone?
[32] Are we close?
[33] Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?

User Comments: [5]
Community Member

Mon Jan 07, 2008 @ 07:50pm

[1] I committed suicide: Erm... I can't really imagine you doing that... more like, "accidently-choking-on-a-spoon-while-eating-pudding." Yep... that's the closest to suicide I think you'll actually get.
[2] I said I liked you: 4laugh
[3] I kissed you: eek
[4] I lived next door to you: Be happy. And annoyed at the same time, due to your noise.
[5] I started smoking:Knock some sense into you.
[6] I stole something:I probably wouldn't do anything, as you'd be too guilty by yourself. Oh, and you stole it with out really realizing it, so , yeah.
[7] I was hospitalized:Visit with flowers. Make sure you were okay.
[8] I ran away from home:Wow... I'd really like to help if it happened.
[9] I got into a fight and you weren't there:Um... I'm assuming by 'fight', they mean, "arguement with Mischa", which happens every day, so...

What do you think about my:
[1] Personality:Online, it's nice, but in real life, it gets a bit annoying.
[2] Eyes:Shiiiiinnnnnyyyyy... XD
[3] Face:Has a nice shape, and very pokable cheeks. 4laugh
[4] Hair:Very cool, but you're too self-conscious about it.
[5] Clothes:Me likes very much, thank you.
[6] Mannerisms:Sweet, giving, but a bit too hyper...

[1] Who are you? No, YOU! (I'm Kate)
[2] Are we friends? I hopes so.
[3] When and how did we meet? Didn't I answer this before...? Anyway, it was at the rehearsals for the Music Man.
[4] How have I affected you? Made me laugh SO much.
[5] What do you think of me? Umm... umm... *glomps*
[6] What's the fondest memory you have of me?Making yo9u fall over by poking you in the head at that one park. That, and the many AIM conversations, such as the one going on now. Now excuse me... XD
[7] How long do you think we will be friends or enemies?A long, long time.
[8] Do you love me?Now that you can dance?
[9] Have I ever hurt you?Nope. Just the opposite. You've helped many times when I've felt hurt.
[10] Would you hug me?Hell yeah, c'mere!
[11] Would you kiss me?Maybe... depends on the situation, and what Doom thinks.
[12] Would you ******** me?No, frankly.
[13] Would you marry me?Sorry, but, I think Doom would like that more than I.
[14] Emotionally, what stands out? Spazziness.
[15] Do you wish I was cooler?No, you would freeze.
[16] On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I?OVAR 9000!!!
[17] Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.Ducky. Because it was used today, seems British, and works. Actually, I just thougth of SprinkleDonna. 'Donna for short.
[18] Am I loveable?Yush. 4laugh
[19] How long have you known me? 3 years. 4laugh
[20] Describe me in one word. SUNSHINE!
[21] What was your first impression? Spaz. XD
[22] Do you still think that way about me now?Yes. XD
[23] What do you think my weakness is? Um... can't think of it right now... AH! Cinnabons. XD
[24] Do you think I'll get married? Yush.
[25] What about me makes you happy? EVERYTHING.
[26] What about me makes you sad? I have no idea... you've never made me sad. whee
[27] What reminds you of me? A lot of things. I don't really feel like listing them all right now. I'll edit later.
[28] What's something you would change about me? Make you a little less spazzy, but that's it.
[29] How well do you know me? Pretty darn well, actually.
[30] Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? I bet so, but you tend to be my go-to person when I'm having trouble, so... maybe not...
[31] Do you think I would kill someone? With love, quite possibly. *stares at Doom* You'd feel extremely guilty about it, whoever it may be.
[32] Are we close? Yursh. whee
[33] Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you? I better... I just promised Will the same thing.

Community Member

Mon Jan 07, 2008 @ 11:33pm

I'm responding to this in a PM.

Grind Mutant
Community Member

Tue Jan 08, 2008 @ 03:03pm

what if I:
1] I committed suicide: I'd be in disbelief. You try to avoid being emo.
[2] I said I liked you: I'd make Doom come and get you.
[3] I kissed you: see #2
[4] I lived next door to you: o.o;
[5] I started smoking: I'd tell you how stupid you are
[6] I stole something: see #5
[7] I was hospitalized: Get well soon cards fix everything.
[8] I ran away from home: see #2
[9] I got into a fight and you weren't there: You were in a fight? I knew of no such thing.

What do you think about my:
[1] Personality: Kind, obsessive, somewhat insane. All the complete unhealthy stuff that puts you on the brink of going over the edge. Awesome!
[2] Eyes: I......don't........know....
[3] Face: I think it was alright. It's been so long.
[4] Hair: Looks better now.
[5] Clothes: See 'Eyes"
[6] Mannerisms: What mannerisms? You're so random! The only timely thing you do is talk about Doom.

[1] Who are you? Sean (aka Tommy Nickels)
[2] Are we friends? I think so.
[3] When and how did we meet? Sarah's friend. D&D meeting. about a year ago.
[4] How have I affected you? A lot. You gave me some one to talk to.
[5] What do you think of me? You're nice and open. Very unjudgemental.
[6] What's the fondest memory you have of me? Uh......can't really remem-*eats glass*
[7] How long do you think we will be friends or enemies? probably til one of us quits Gaia!
[8] Do you love me? No
[9] Have I ever hurt you? Absolutely not
[10] Would you hug me? Yes, I know you'd do it to reference Doom's height.
[11] Would you kiss me? sweatdrop Not that it's you!
[12] Would you ******** me? See #11
[13] Would you marry me? Come on! This is making me feel bad! See #11
[14] Emotionally, what stands out? You get emotional at times.
[15] Do you wish I was cooler? Not really, then you wouldn't be sprinkledonuts
[16] On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I? I'd say a good 10.
[17] Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. Sarah, because I always call you sprinkledonuts.
[18] Am I loveable? Just ask Doom!
[19] How long have you known me? Didn't I already answer this? Are you checking for alterations in what I say? Are you recording this!?! *hyperventilates*
[20] Describe me in one word. 0.0
[21] What was your first impression? You freaking annoying emo! Let us out of the damn chains!
[22] Do you still think that way about me now? Only during D&D
[23] What do you think my weakness is? Doom
[24] Do you think I'll get married? Maybe in Michigan or Canada
[25] What about me makes you happy? Just being able to talk to you.
[26] What about me makes you sad? I don't really know.....
[27] What reminds you of me? Whenever someone says emo and Sarah in the same sentence.
[28] What's something you would change about me? nothing.
[29] How well do you know me? enough to answer 25 of 28 questions.
[30] Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? Nope. You're my source to get things off my chest.
[31] Do you think I would kill someone? Maybe.......is Doom someway involved?
[32] Are we close? Close enough to answer 28 of 31 questions.
[33] Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you? Don't think so. I don't go this detailed. That's just the guy in me.

Ultra Sarah
Community Member

Wed Jan 09, 2008 @ 02:59pm

Nooo! I just answered all the questions but it didn't work. Ah ...
Oh well.
I'll do it again later.

This isn't the first time you've done this.

Ultra Sarah
Community Member

Thu Jan 10, 2008 @ 04:29am

I only have three minutes ... let's see if I can do this.

1] I committed suicide: I'd wonder where I missed the signs.
[2] I said I liked you: I'd be shocked.
[3] I kissed you: I'd assume it was a kiss on the cheek or the hand ... but I'd still be a bit uncomfortable nonetheless.
[4] I lived next door to you: Yay! I'd feel guilty you'd moved away from you're friends, though.
[5] I started smoking: Depends on what you were smoking. Cigerettes would be, what are you thinking? Marijuana would be, be careful, and fight for your right for freedom!
[6] I stole something: I'd tell you that you really shouldn't have done that.
[7] I was hospitalized: If for a little bit, I'd try to make you feel better. If for a while, I'd visit you.
[8] I ran away from home: I'd be surprised, and I wouldn't know what to do.
[9] I got into a fight and you weren't there: I'd ask what it was about.

What do you think about my:
[1] Personality: Borderline manic-depressive sometimes, I swear.
[2] Eyes: All eyes are pretty in my opinion, (though some are prettier than others) and yours are no exeption.
[3] Face: You have a good face. It's you!
[4] Hair: You always complain about it. Stop that.
[5] Clothes: I am madly jealous of your ear hat.
[6] Mannerisms: Mannerly.

[1] Who are you? Ultra Sarah!
[2] Are we friends? Yep.
[3] When and how did we meet? Let it suffice to say, twice.
[4] How have I affected you? You always make me laugh, and you've helped me realize things when you didn't even know it. ^^
[5] What do you think of me? Isn't that what this whole thing is about?
[6] What's the fondest memory you have of me? When we first played Dungeons and Dragons together, and neither of us knew what the hell we were doing.
[7] How long do you think we will be friends or enemies? It's been a while already, so I should think a while more.
[8] Do you love me? Platonicly.
[9] Have I ever hurt you? I'd be surprised if you didn't, but I can't think of a specific time.
[10] Would you hug me? Yes! (huggles)
[11] Would you kiss me? Unlikely.
[12] Would you f**k me? No.
[13] Would you marry me? No.
[14] Emotionally, what stands out? All your emotions stand out.
[15] Do you wish I was cooler? I don't really care how cool you are.
[16] On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I? 9. You're pretty mean to people on Gaia sometimes ... mostly idiots and meanies, but still.
[17] Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. Other Sarah. Must I explain?
[18] Am I loveable? Yes.
[19] How long have you known me? A few years.
[20] Describe me in one word. Changing. There's always a part of you that changes, but you manage to stay the same all the while.
[21] What was your first impression? She likes stuff I like!
[22] Do you still think that way about me now? Yes.
[23] What do you think my weakness is? You get really attached. If you're attachments were ever to be severed .... that would be really, really, bad.
[24] Do you think I'll get married? Prolly.
[25] What about me makes you happy? You! You make me happy all the time, you constantly cheer me up.
[26] What about me makes you sad? I'm jealous of you in some ways. The main way is that you've never had to move.
[27] What reminds you of me? A lot of things.
[28] What's something you would change about me? I'd give you superpowers.
[29] How well do you know me? I think I know you pretty well.
[30] Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? Maybe ... can't remember.
[31] Do you think I would kill someone? No, I couldn't imagine it.
[32] Are we close? I like to think so.
[33] Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you? YES!

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