“My heart stood still as if it didn’t deserve to beat in the presence of him. Then just as I thought he couldn’t be any more beautiful he smiled and my heart froze and then melted again. He stood there, and I stood there; waiting for the silence to be broken.
‘Your heart may resume it natural course, for I am only-’he chuckled at this, ‘well, partially human.’
I stepped forward and laid my other arm on his glowing hand. Our eyes met and then our lips greeted each other, not unpleasantly, but… unexplainable. When my eyes opened his graceful ivory wings unfolded from his back and a halo of gold appeared above his breathtaking face.
‘Don’t cry, mi amour, don’t cry.’ He murmured. Then I noticed his feet no longer were on the floor as he floated upwards I tried to grasp his billowing cloak. My hands touched nothing and he was a hundred, then a thousand, then what seemed like a million miles away. ‘Don’t cry…’
When I formed the words I needed, it was too late and the only thing that heard them was the darkness…”
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:: Down the Rabbit Hole ::
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