Generosity Comes At A Price Unlike Friends & Family.
Wow.. I'm SO HAPPY!! Remember in the last entry i was explaining to you about me loosing my special necklace and me being such a pillock for not taking more care... Well....... My mum found it in the washing machine. I was so relieved! I cannot tell you! At least it was empty though.. Other wise the photo's inside would've been ruined. Yesterday, i also had my american Uncle, Auntie and 2 of their children (My cousins) round for the day. They have 3 children but the oldest one, who's 22 is still in America. But the youngest of the 2 came over. They're 20 and 17 years old. Lol.. I haven't explained properly, i bet you're thinking 'Why come to England for just a day? There's no point!' What i mean... is that they're moving over from America to England but their eldest child is staying in America, and their 2nd eldest is going back to America at the end of January to join the Navy..
Today's just a boring, lazy day. I have no homework blaugh ! So i'm just spending my precious time on Gaia. I couldn't believe my luck today though. I was just wandering around the Art Arena and there was a Pink Magical Box! I clicked on it, as you do, and it's now in my inventory. I checked its market price and it was something like 34,000g!! It's SO tempting to open it, i really wanted to know what's in it. But i'd like some money aswell. Soo.. I've put the Pink Magical Box in my store for 34,000g and i hope someone buys it! At the moment i've only got about 4,500g. I love the market though. I like looking for bargains on expensive items and then i try and sell them for a higher price... which i guess is what you're meant to do? But it's handy for buying Tokens at cheap prices aswell.. heart Today i managed to make 300 Tickets in the Slots game and i've put that in my store at the price of 8,000g. I'm determined to make some money so i can buy the things i want or need and so i can treat my friends as well smile I love giving people things, especially things that they've wanted. But you've got to work hard to get the money to get those things. And it's not exactly like everything's free eh? Otherwise everyone would have everything and there wouldn't be any point in doing anything.. because it's already there. But.. Still. I'm working on it, not forgetting how generous my friends have been to me when i had to make this account after my old one got banned... for no reason. I hope the items in my store sell. I'm sick of being poor, it makes me feel like an ooutcast to the whole game. Anyways.. Thanks for reading........ If you're still reading my journal that is heart BUT IF ONLY I KNEW WHO YOU ARE!! 3nodding Leave me comments and i'll reply or PM or something... IF you're looking to be my friend them please feel free to PM me! I'm 100% sure i'll reply. Just.. don't whatever you do send a request first. I decline anyone whom i haven't spoken to or met before. heart Byee xx