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Story book! I'll be writing stories in here every now 'n then, keep checking back every-so-often for a new story ;3 Also, there will be quizzes in here for you to answer, if you please. ^-^

Community Member
What if I....
1. I committed Suicide:
2. I said I like you:
3. I kissed you:
4. I lived next door to you:
5. I started smoking:
6. I stole something:
7. I was Hospitalized:
8. I ran away from home:
9. I got into a fight and you werent there:

What Do I think about my...
1. Personality:
2. Eyes:
3. Face:
4. Hair:
5. Clothes:
6. Mannerisms:

1. Who are you?
2. Are we friends? freinds?
3. when and how we meet?
4. How have I affected you?
5. What do you think of me?
6. whats the fondest memory of me?
7. How long do you think we will be friends or enemies?
8. Do you love me?
9. Have I ever hurt you?
10. Would you hug me?
11. Would you kiss me?
12. Would you ******** me?
13. Would you marry me?
14. Emonionally what stands out?
15. Do you wish I was cooler?
16. On a scale of on 1-10, how nice am I?
17. Give me a nickname and explain why I picked it.
18. Am I loveable?
19. How long have you known me?
20. Describe me in one word.
21. What was my first impression?
22. Do you think that way about me now?
23. What do you think my weakness is?
24. Do you think I would get married?
25. What about me makes you happy?
26. What about me makes you sad?
27. What reminds you of me?
28. What's something you would change about me?
29. How well do you know me?
30. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
31. Do you think I would kill someone?
32. Are we close?
33.Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?

User Comments: [4]
Community Member
comment Commented on: Mon Nov 26, 2007 @ 12:33am
What if I....
1. I committed Suicide: Resurect you then kill you myself for being retarded!
2. I said I like you: Do you? O.o xd
3. I kissed you: O.o Uhhhhh......avoid you for about a week then forget about it.
4. I lived next door to you: Sleep over! xd
5. I started smoking: Kill you before the cigerettes did
6. I stole something: depends on what you stole xd I'd yell at you then forget
7. I was Hospitalized: Kill you for being stuck in the hospital nd making me fly to london on my own to visit you.
8. I ran away from home: Invite you to stay at mine!
9. I got into a fight and you werent there: Say what? I don't get to fight? how gay...

What Do I think about my...
1. Personality: I like it!
2. Eyes: nevah seen em
3. Face: nevah seen it
4. Hair: nevah see it
5. Clothes: nevah seen em, though i bet they look better then mine. xd
6. Mannerisms: Say what?

1. Who are you? Dragonmaster1251........wait.....I_The_Prokaryote
2. Are we friends? freinds? Yes! I hope......
3. when and how we meet? I honestly forget
4. How have I affected you? You got me in to role-playing and now I'm addicted
5. What do you think of me? Good friend
6. whats the fondest memory of me? When we were at cinimas, we went to two movies....sorry I made you leave the zombie one. D;
7. How long do you think we will be friends or enemies? Who knows, hopefully foreveah
8. Do you love me? maybe.... ninja as a friend.
9. Have I ever hurt you? nope!
10. Would you hug me? Of course! I hug almost everyone
11. Would you kiss me? depends.....
12. Would you ******** me? O.o restraining order!!!!!!
13. Would you marry me? Dunno
14. Emonionally what stands out? nice-ness
15. Do you wish I was cooler? nope, you top the charts
16. On a scale of on 1-10, how nice am I? 100
17. Give me a nickname and explain why I picked it. ........I suck at nicknames.
18. Am I loveable? of course
19. How long have you known me? I forgot. sweatdrop
20. Describe me in one word. Nice!
21. What was my first impression? uber nice and caring
22. Do you think that way about me now? duh!
23. What do you think my weakness is? being too nice
24. Do you think I would get married? Well if you don't then all the girls in the world are retarded.
25. What about me makes you happy? ......drawing a blank......
26. What about me makes you sad?nothing
27. What reminds you of me? England!
28. What's something you would change about me? Give you a bit of a temper, not that you need one. Bu it could be useful later
29. How well do you know me? sorta well, but not
30. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? nope
31. Do you think I would kill someone? Never.....but I can't gauntee I won't......
32. Are we close? I guess
33.Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you? you stole this from me.

comment Commented on: Sun Dec 09, 2007 @ 10:05pm
What if I....
1. I committed Suicide: NOOO D:
2. I said I like you: wtf.
3. I kissed you: ewww. no thanks, im not gay... atleast i think im not.
4. I lived next door to you: W00T, no more 2 hour trip! biggrin
5. I started smoking:You wouldnt.. i know you too well D:
6. I stole something: LOL, Share plx?
7. I was Hospitalized: Make myself Hospitalized, being in the ward your in and next to you. :3
8. I ran away from home: d00d stay at mine? D:
9. I got into a fight and you werent there: That wont happen :l

What Do I think about my...
1. Personality razz wnage! Yeah!
2. Eyes: Brown, Proves your the shiznit!
3. Face: I dunno, I dont really judge you by your face.
4. Hair: Uber 1337 hax. You just got a haircut so omg, i dont know yet D:
5. Clothes: Stylish, I only really see you when we wake up as we sleep all day. party all night X3
6. Mannerisms: Lolx Mannerisms. Your 1337? biggrin

1. Who are you?Lolx, Nub you dont know your best friend.
2. Are we friends? Best Friends...
3. When and how we meet? We started talking about Super smash bros. in school.
4. How have I affected you?You got me into hardcore gaming, I got you into music.
5. What do you think of me?Ghey. XD rofl just kidding, I think your uberly random.
6. whats the fondest memory of me?Probably when we put glue on the teachers chair. rofl fun.
7. How long do you think we will be friends or enemies? Friends fo' eva! xD
8. Do you love me? The spoon does not bend.
9. Have I ever hurt you? Maybe. Certainly.. Alot... Never? Im so confused D:
10. Would you hug me? Nope
11. Would you kiss me? Nope
12. Would you ******** me? NEVUH
13. Would you marry me? Nope.
14. Emotionally what stands out? Your plain random, But in a good way.
15. Do you wish I was cooler? YEAH! XD kidding. I never really knew what cool meant.
16. On a scale of on 1-10, how nice am I? 1 xD wait.. spelling mistake, Add a 0 to that.
17. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. n00b, Its probably the most common thing we say to each other to insult rofl xD except yo moma..
18. Am I lovable? Yup, For the ladies.
19. How long have you known me? Fo' Eva lololololololol, Since primary school, when we talked about super smash bros, We've been best friends since.
20. Describe me in one word. 1337
21. What was my first impression? A Gamer.
22. Do you think that way about me now? Yup, Except your more awesome now.
23. What do you think my weakness is? Your dad.
24. Do you think I would get married? Most likely.
25. What about me makes you happy? You're funny, A gamer. And Your a gamer biggrin And you like chocolate ninja
26. What about me makes you sad? The Gheyness the internet, That you live far away.
27. What reminds you of me? World of warcraft Lolx
28. What's something you would change about me? That you lived closer to newcastle, That you never moved xD
29. How well do you know me? Too much stuff... Cant Calculate D: Bzzt! *explodes*
30. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? For christmas, Ima snipe you on call of duty4, but it wont happen, I suck at sniping >.<
31. Do you think I would kill someone? If it was, It would be your dad or your bro.
32. Are we close? Yes. We are.
33. Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you? Already Did smile

Sunday Blues
Community Member
Community Member
comment Commented on: Thu Mar 06, 2008 @ 06:09pm
What if I....
1. I committed Suicide: Be depressed for a while, have some sorta "In Memory of" thing in my journal and signature for a while.
2. I said I like you: GAY
3. I kissed you: *ignores*
4. I lived next door to you: Hang out sometime.
5. I started smoking: Beat you up and take your lunch money
6. I stole something: Ask you to share the loot ;D
7. I was Hospitalized: Go make sure you're alright.
8. I ran away from home: Go be a sympathizer and see if I could help with anything.
9. I got into a fight and you weren't there: Ask you who won xd

What Do I think about my...
1. Personality: Seems like a good person, great at Rping.
2. Eyes: I dunno o_o
3. Face: " "
4. Hair: " "
5. Clothes: " "
6. Mannerisms: " "

1. Who are you? I'm a RPer, and awesome.
2. Are we friends? Sorta,
3. when and how we meet? In a RP
4. How have I affected you? Mangled my character.
5. What do you think of me? A cool person
6. whats the fondest memory of me? uh... idk?
7. How long do you think we will be friends or enemies? For a while, if I can clean up my friends list.
8. Do you love me? No.
9. Have I ever hurt you? No.
14. Emonionally what stands out? Nothing
15. Do you wish I was cooler? Nah, it's fine.
16. On a scale of on 1-10, how nice am I? 7
17. Give me a nickname and explain why I picked it. Too lazy to come up with something.
18. Am I loveable? Sure? o.o
19. How long have you known me? a monthish?
20. Describe me in one word. "Hats."
22. Do you think that way about me now?
23. What do you think my weakness is? Zombies
24. Do you think I would get married? Probably
27. What reminds you of me? Poser cops with spiked maces.
28. What's something you would change about me? your avi ;D
29. How well do you know me? Not very.
30. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?Nope
31. Do you think I would kill someone? No.
32. Are we close? No
33.Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you? Nah, too lazy.

comment Commented on: Sun Jan 03, 2010 @ 06:19am
What if I....
1. I committed Suicide:f** lol
2. I said I like you:f** lol
3. I kissed you:f** lol
4. I lived next door to you:f** lol
5. I started smoking:f** lol
6. I stole something:f** lol
7. I was Hospitalized:f** lol
8. I ran away from home:f** lol
9. I got into a fight and you werent there:f** lol

What Do I think about my...f**?
1. Personality:f** lol
2. Eyes:f** lol
3. Face:f** lol
4. Hair:f** lol
5. Clothes:f** lol
6. Mannerisms:f** lol

1. Who are you?f** lol
2. Are we friends? ******** DUH. B-F-F LOL
3. when and how we meet?f** lol
4. How have I affected you?f** lol
5. What do you think of me?f** lol
6. whats the fondest memory of me?f** lol
7. How long do you think we will be friends or enemies?f** lol
8. Do you love me?f** lol
9. Have I ever hurt you?f** lol
10. Would you hug me?f** lol
11. Would you kiss me?f** lol
12. Would you ******** me?f** lol
13. Would you marry me?f** lol
14. Emonionally what stands out?f** lol
15. Do you wish I was cooler?f** lol
16. On a scale of on 1-10, how nice am I?f** lol
17. Give me a nickname and explain why I picked it.f** lol
18. Am I loveable?f** lol
19. How long have you known me?f** lol
20. Describe me in one word.f** lol
21. What was my first impression?f** lol
22. Do you think that way about me now?f** lol
23. What do you think my weakness is?f** lol
24. Do you think I would get married?f** lol
25. What about me makes you happy?f** lol
26. What about me makes you sad?f** lol
27. What reminds you of me?f** lol
28. What's something you would change about me?f** lol
29. How well do you know me?f** lol
30. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?f** lol
31. Do you think I would kill someone?f** lol
32. Are we close?f** lol
33.Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you? f** lol

Sunday Blues
Community Member
User Comments: [4]
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