I have an evil plan. My plan is to dye my hair pink then go to Minnesota and as soon as my dad sees my pink hair he'll have a heart attack and I won't have to visit him anymore
twisted twisted I know that sounds bad but I've never been that close to my dad so it doesn't matter. The reason I don't want to go to Minnesota anymore is because everyone is so mad at me there and I don't want to leave my friends during the holidays. I guess a less violent plan would be to dye my hair pink and when my dad sees me he'll be so ashamed to be seen with a pink haired freak that he'll never invited me back again
twisted One thing is for sure, I'm dying my pink
3nodding I've always wanted pink hair and now I'll have it
4laugh This is what I plan to look like-
Would that freak you out?
Community Member
Y'know, some of my friends at school thought that I should dye my hair pink! No lie! Course I didn't end up doing it but only because it seemed like a bit of a hassle. But if I could magically turn my hair pink then I would. mrgreen