"Now, let's start off with role call so I can learn everyone's names..." Mr. Masha said walking over to his desk and picked up a clipboard. He began to call off some names when Masha looked at Mikoto then Aerean.
"This is weird..." Masha whispered, everyone nodded in agreement.
"I'm scared..." Mikoto whispered back, Aerean looked at her blankly.
"This is no time to be." Heigher said looking at everyone, "there's something strange about him.
"And we should figure it out." Masha said blinking.
"Ms. Masha Suzumiya." Mr.Masa's voice made her jump and she looked at him.
"Eh... H- Here." She stammered.
"Good, you need to pay attention." He warned, "and I'm guessing your Ms. Heigher Satso." He said looking at Heigher who looked at him and nodded. They both looked back at Aerean and Mikoto as Mr. Masa carried on.
"We need to do something." Masha and Heigher said at the same time.
The bell rang dismissing the students to leave, everyone stood up and gathered their stuff then left. Masha, Heigher, Aerean, and Mikoto all walked together out of the room to go to the next class, Math.
"I hate math!" Masha complained, Heigher chuckled.
"It's a little easy for me." She said putting her arm on Masha's shoulder. Masha was the shortest out of all of them, she was about 4'5, Heigher was 5'1, Aerean was 4'11, and Mikoto was about 5'2.
"I hate the homework though..." Aerean sighed, Masha glared at Heigher then pulled away.
"Did you even do it over the summer?" Mikoto asked, Aerean froze.
"Ha ha! I did! For once..." Masha laughed.
"I did it too, but I helped Masha-Chan." Heigher said poking Masha in the side which made her flinch.
"I'm guessing you didn't." Mikoto said to Aerean who shook her head.
Masha walked into the class room first with the others behind her.
"But it was too much!" Aerean complained, "especially over the summer!"
"That's why you do it quickly." Masha said winking at her while holding up her finger smiling, Aerean shot her a look.
"I guess your just going to have to do it all tonight for make-ups." Mikoto shrugged as they all sat down at a round table. Masha laughed a little then shook her head.
"What?" Heigher asked.
"It's nothing." Masha replied.
"Random laughs..." Mikoto guessed, Masha nodded then looked at the door as it opened. Two guys entered the room, one had raven black hair, gleaming emerald green eyes, that wore a white buttoned up shirt that was unbuttoned at the top, baggy black jeans and black shoes. The other guy had Copper that almost looked light brown hair, yellow eyes, and wore a black jacket with a yellow shirt under it, with some blue baggy jeans and brown shoes. They walked over to another table across the room, Masha starred at the black haired one until he looked at her and she looked away.
"Aw.... Or Masha-Chan is in love!" Heigher Chimed, Masha punched her in the arm.
"And your the one to talk?" She retorted, "I see you drooling over Haru all the time!"
"No I don't!" Heigher yelled.
"Yes you do! That's why the table is always wet!" Masha yelled back, Aerean and Mikoto watched them as they yelled at each other.
"Do they always do this?" Mikoto asked, Aerean nodded.
"Well I wonder why you have am F in this class because your always day dreaming of-" Heigher got interrupted when Masha slapped her hand over her mouth.
"You say anything and I'm going to kill you." She threatened, Heigher pulled her hand off.
"I would like to see you try." She said in a mocking tone.
"One day my friend, one day..." Masha said pointing at her as the teacher came in.
Well here's the new characters, I hoped you enjoyed this so far!


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