penguins rock. here you go:
“Mr. and Mrs. Hawks,” a cool, doctorate voice said, “your daughter will be fine, I’m sure. From what Mr. Black here has described, Miss Hawks here has had a few epileptic seizures, not a serious problem, but a problem none the less. Please, if you would kindly step out with me for a moment, I would like to have a word with you about treatment for your daughter.” He smiled slightly, the kind of smile that was meant to be reassuring, but just ended up awkward. It wasn’t his fault, he just wasn’t used to smiling obviously. Slowly, my mother got up from beside me and followed my father out of the room after the doctor. Once they were safely out of the room, Fera looked up to Mr. black and he nodded slightly. Fera motioned to Deanne to leave and Deanne followed reluctantly, not quite sure what was going on. Then with only a wary look in my direction, she left. I was now all alone, except for Mr. black. I heard him take in a deep breath of air before turning towards me. “Annabella,” he said as he sat down beside me. I suddenly became highly aware of his own body so close to mine, but I managed to keep with my act, “I know that you are in fact not asleep nor so overly exhausted that you cannot hear me, but if you would like to keep up with your childish act of weakness, go right on ahead, but I would prefer it if you would be so kind as to sit up and look at me while I am speaking. Please make your decision quickly, we haven’t much time.” He spoke so casually that his velvet voice could have been discussing the weather, not my horrible acting skills. But since it seemed silly to argue with him, I decided to sit up slowly, wary of the stiff muscles in my back and arms. “Fine,” I said under my breath, “be that way. Make me move.” I began to wonder how long I had been out of it to hurt this much. This was so not worth any amount of common sense. I could hear him laugh under his breath and I shot him a dirty look that he did not see. “What’s so funny?” I asked defensively, I failed to see the humor in my situation. This just made him laugh even harder. This time he caught the look of absolute annoyance. He shut up immediately. I love that I have that effect on people. It would be so much more fun if I wasn’t truly annoyed at him. “I’m sorry Annabella, it’s just that you remind me of her so much…” ok, now he was getting on my nerves. I remind him of whom? Urgh! Why was everyone messing with my head today? Did they think that it was funny? Because I’m not laughing. He seemed to read the frustration on my face because he began again, “I really am sorry. I just wanted to see if you were alright, if you were experiencing any pain or unusual dreams or nightmares. Well other than today of course. It’s around that time, and I wanted to see if you were ready.” His eyes and voice were gentle. Unfortunately I was freaking out beyond my limits. What in the world was he talking about? I was ready for what? For him to leave, that’s what I was ready for.
graysondr · Sun Oct 21, 2007 @ 10:53pm · 1 Comments |