Well then this is my first entry so I think I should put some things about me.
1. I am a bookworm
2. I have no idea what BBcode is or how to use it. It is similar to HMTL I think.
3. I can never get online on weekdays except on holidays.
4. My current favorite song is We Are my Anna Johnson. (My preference changes about every 6 months)
5. My favorite authors are Tamora Pierce, Terry Pratchett,and Anthony Horowitz.
6. My favorite genre of book is fantasy then science fiction then action/adventure then mystery.
7. Favorite color is blue
8. Likes drawing anime style characters from my imagination
9. Goals are: 100k, B+s or higher in all my classes and reading at least 40 books this year. (I've already read 10)
10. I take an advanced math class so if I get a B+ in it it turns into an A! whee!!
11. I have a mild ADD (attentive deficit disorder) It means I get hyper easily.
My life motto is: If life has a point is it kinda like a pencil? It is like a pencil because if we can find that point then the pencil is sharpened. Also, as life goes on, it gets shorter. (you sharpen a pencil as you use it more)
I goto a private school and that is all I'll say. DON'T ASK. I like chatting using the forums or club forums. I don't particularly like Instant messaging because you are sometimes rushed to respond and you can't give a good answer or conversation. Also there is less chat speak in forums and such.
This is all I can think of right now....bye