Anyways, I'm A-OK!!!!! It was normal bla bla bla stuff. xd
But I can still have symptoms of a serious thing but it's probably nothing.
Well....... I'm bored and I'm mainly writing for money hee hee.
I need it is I'm going to buy more stuff for me and my Oni-Chan, Heigher!
She's bugging me about drinking water, as you can tell from the comment she left on the last post I made before this one.
Bored? Yes, I wish Heigher would hurry up and PM me back!!!!
But I must have patience, wow that word sounds weird.
Patience.... Patience...
Ok I'll stop now, But I'll but some pics on here for you to enjoy. ((the people who actually read this))

I really like this pic, it resembles me, and mt oni-chan. Heigher!!!
Community Member
((Just an FYI for all people who read this... I'm the one with red hair. always am and always will be xp ))