Oh! Now I know.... Wait never mind.... that...
I can make a piano out of the dot thingies and commas see?
'The piano!' Ta da!
Yes, I'm bored but the one thing I love and that makes me want to huddle up in a corner and cry my eyes out is.... FALL!!!!!!!!!!!
One of the most best yet depressing season out of the year!
The reason I love it is because the weather is perfect with it's nice cool breeze and clear blue skies all around you as the bright warm sun warms your skin, you stand there in the middle of an open field of grass that's swaying with the wind making it look like there's waves going through them.................. Ah... I miss it already, that's why I want to cry...
I miss it all, now I'm somewhere where there is barley any grass unless you go up north........ It upsets me, and also it reminds me of my terrifying past of those 7 years of pain and misery.... The yelling, the screaming, the tears raining down on me like a harsh storm, and the guilt of hiding it all within and all I want to do is scream it all out that I hate that one person who treated me that way.. And my family....
BUT!!!!!!! I tend to forget my past and try to move on to the future yet it still haunts me as I sleep just waiting to explode within and rot me inside and out......
So.... As I was saying in the beginning... I'm bored! Happy ((so it seems)), and alive.... For now. Hee hee, I hope you enjoyed my little... Uh how can I put it.... Writing on what I think of sometimes, eh..... What ever, Just enjoy!
Sorry, I think this picture is pretty!