Kelly called. ((Kelly used to be our salesman here. He was an absolute riot. He also liked to chat...and the chatty kinds of people make me sooo happy.))
So Kelly called to wish me a happy "hat day". Something he came up with when he was here - and I still do it each and every Friday. It's not a dorky hat, although some have been known to bring in some odd ones - I just wear a black visor and Brian usually wears some fishing hat or bike parts hat.
Back to the story - Kelly called and we were chatting - and since Buttmonkey is in Italy we were able to really have a conversation. He basically offered me a job.
The only problem is that - well - my Buttmonkey boss owns part of the company Kelly owns and they signed some contract saying they wouldn't take any employees from here.
He did a side offer of about 6K more annually than I'm making now... which wouldn't be too bad ... and I like Kelly and Dan (the owners). And I KNOW they'd be so much easier to work with!
I'd just have to move past the "feeling bad for leaving the Buttmonkey for greener pastures" part.
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