Imagination. By definition it is a creation of the mind or the act or power of forming a mental image of something. It is a powerful thing and only those select few who practice and train with it daily keep its presence. Luckily, I am one of those people. I have imagination at my fingertips and all around me. If I focus, I can create a ball of energy from my aura, summon dark spirits from the shadow realms, or produce a rainbow of light to protect me from the darkness. With one blink of my eyes I can be anywhere I want to be: swimming in the deepest of oceans with the most colorful fish in the world, flying through clouds with the birds, or floating in space among the stars, circling the planets. Its all about what I choose. However, my choice is to do it all. I have before, I am, and I'm not stopping now.
(avi made by Revival Storm)
Community Member
Very well done ^_^