_________Part 6__________
Back at the village "What the hell happen to stleath she was one of are best. i sent three of u to take one ninja down and she mange to almost kill one of you guys."Tsunade was fukig made she punch the wall making a hole to the next room.
"what should we do?"
" i dont know i have noctie but to send try back out is she radey she picks her team okay"
"okay"a coupul of houres "hey terry i have a misson for u."
"A misson let me juest it to bring back himeok or kill her i go."
"okay but you can make a team." Terry looked confues."A team of becaus of what happen to stleath okay i go and get my team to getter."Terry found anuka but when she brought up himeko she said no. Then terry found a gril called sam hyuga."hey sam do you want to help me go and track himeko down?"
"Yeath after what i herd she killed a hyuga and look what she did to stlath."
"okay we leave right now."
"got it "we both took off we pass throught the main gates "Were was she last reported north east at cave vangnes."
"Hey himeko are you okay."himeko haven move much since the fight she had her hands over her head ."uh im okay" what the i sence somone powerfule coming are way "we got to go sandre" Himeko got up and stred to run "who is coming the only time we run like this if the person is strong or somthing else?"
"They strong and right now i must let my eye rest and pules i dont even rember the fight i had a couple of days ago."why her i thought you would gave up terry stop i cant contral myslef i dont wont more people to die. what the there is other power and its moving faster no it cant be Chikane "Sandre can you hould the two people coming and now this your chances to win the fight are .1 out of 99.0."
"Yeath i will stay i dont care well see you friend are paths might cross agine."
"yeath i just want you know it was fun bye." Sandre was crying so was himeko.
"hey how long untile we ge" A kunai was heading towers her she dooged.
"I will be your enamy."
"who the hell are you?" sandre looked them with a smile "Im sandre himeko friend and you wont get by me." Samdre stred to make heand signs "Shadow clone jutsu."
"terry we dont have time for this." terry looked at her like shes now. sam straed to make heand signs "Byakugan!!!" Sandre ran up to sam and stred to swing at here but sam just keep on dogging them."to late Gentle Fist/8 Trigrams 64 palms." She swifly strad hiting the clons like nothing soon she found trhe real one a hit when she did she grab her arm "hey surpis slef destion jutsu " sander said this will blood was coming out of her mounth.Nothing happen to ami when sandre hit her shortly after woruds she feel down."ami take care of her i go on to fine himeko."
"okay be careful."Himeko finly caught view of chikaine."So himeko do love it i mean the killing and not being countral by the village you are just like me at the very end." himeko look at her "Im nothing like you i did what i did to keep someone inportan with me safet."
"Oh relly but love the tast of blood also."himeko strad to get angery "Die !!!!" himeko ran at her and took out her kunai Chikaine took out a kunai at the last second and stoped himeko. Himeko jumped back and stred to make heand signs "Shadow Shuriken jutsu !!" Chikaine close her eyes when she opend the she had her devil eye out as all the shuriken head it twors her she blocked ever single one of them with her kunai. " i guess i have to do it."himeko moved up her head band "now its begains." the fight was so fast you could only her sounds after 10 or so mintes himeko land on a tree side ways and stread to make heand signs "elemantal blade" it was so strong any tree in a 2 feet raides was destoryed."Shater ice shiled jutsu like yo can beat this jutsu." Himeko ran towres her when she hit the shild i broke with easy Chikaine jumped up and land it on a brach. Himeko smile "Game over" a clon appred and trow two kunai one puncher chikaine lung and the other one hit here back.chikane stread trow blood out form her mouth. "uh you gotten better time for me to go"blood was comeing out of her mouth in a coupule of seconds she was gone himeko tdry to floow but she fell to the ground. "i gess this is going to be easy." terry picked up himeko and put her on her soulders "hey ami time for us to go we got both of them. 3 weeks later uh were am i i cant move my arms "Nice to see you himeko.""is that you anuka im back at the village?Hey what about sandre were is she ?""Who dont worry shes in the bed next to you." I finly got my visan back i could see terry anuka kakashi and the one that just opend the door it was the fith."hey himeko " terry stoped talking."im sorry for what i did to you but i wont contral it.Also fith sandre hade nothing to do i sved her from beign saled."The fith looked at me Yeath i understand but what about the hyugea you killed?" "i had nocoies she was trying to kill me and was also going to try to kill sandre and i know she was working for my moom."
"What how could you tell she was working for your mom?" "her bingo book was not right and i know you dont leave any thing out when you but someone on the bigno book"Anuka left the room for some inportan reson "okay thats exsplans it but what about stleath ?" himeko looked down "i didnt do it i wasnt contarling my self if you dont belive me than ask sandre.""she didnt do it we ran from that fight and found a cave himeko went to see how fare it went i found her asleep when she woke up her eye was red and she looked hunger for blood she ran out and i guess that what happen."the fith looked down "okay all will be forgivne if you dont leave the room."
ever one strad to leave i heard the fith say to kakashi "keep your eyes on her" everone left exspated for terry "im sorry for what i did but i need to get out and this eye of mine has a mine of its own. im glad that i didnt kill you" Himeko was crying. Terry looked at her and pated her on the head himeko looked up and terry was smile "All is forgvine himeko just dont leave the room."Terry walked out "Hey sandre how long was i asleep for?""Sandre looked at her "for 3 weeks you said some wird stuff wehn you were asleep." Out side the village gates "everything is in the right place now so Chikaine can you go through with the plan." Chikaine looked at yuusou "i been waiting it time to show them all her power we will force them in to doing it ."back at the room "Hey himeko what are you trying?" himeko was half way up "Somthing is not right i sencing two strong power." "it might be aunka ."
"no way this is to high for her."himeko eye looked llike she saw the devil him self "its its its chikaine and someone eles oh s**t we were played from the stret they set this all up but why?" Himeko opend the door to see kakashi out side "I need to talke to Tsunade they are planning to do somthing ." "come down himeko who is planning to do somthing?""My mother is coming and shes has a plan i dont know what it is but we need to warner her or eles someth" Himeko black out. "Uh sandre do you have any ideal of what she was saying?""huh no i dont is she okay?"
"well yeah but she is still to tired to move that much after all how manny times did she us her eye?" sandre try to count but she lost count "i dont know uh who are you ?"Kakashi looked at her "My name is kakashi "kakashi put himeko on her bed. That night chikaine mangged to get in to the hinde leaf village she opend her eyes and chang how she looked she looked like a jouin. The moring himeko woke up to a kunai at her trout "what the." "hi himeko its your mother time for you to come with me."I looked to my side and sandre was still asleep and i figer out kakashi hasnt got her. She new that i new i had no chance of getting help from any one. She stred to make heand signs when she finsh she hit me on the forheand and fell asleep. i woke up on the floor "time for you to help us out.""who the hell are you.""oh how rude of me my name is yuusou." what the it cant be yuusou he die four years ago wait i rember that he countral a wired power he had it was...that when it hit me he countral dark power of some sort. "it was you in side that cave the one i was talking to.""so you figerit out." "you took contral of me you baster."
"oh i didnt take contrale it was your other half it want to tast the blood i just gave it some freedom." "now what are you plainning to do with me." "Ahh we are going to destory this village it has became a peroblem and it must be destory." "i wont let that happen." "oh we shall see what happens you are just like your mom she killed most of her family and ran from the village and was tract just like you exspetd you are out for revange. You do anything to get it even kill for it your just like a cerater."himeko looked away from him "why dont you just go to hell becaus there is no way you can destory the village." "who sad we are going to destory it. Its you." back at the village "What himeko has gone missing how the hell could this happen !!! Never minde find her and tell me who kidnapher." "Tsunade uh sandre has also gone missing." "WHAT THE ******** find them NOW!!!!!!!" "uhhhhhhhh yes as you comand." "See himeko i told you." "shut up chikaine i wont let that happen i fight both of you to stop it." "thats is why we got you tired." himeko looks at them "i new it you set this up from the beagin but you didnt count on me find some that can help me." "what do you mean by this." himeko just looked up "NOW SANDRE !!" sandre jumped down and cut me free "nice timeing sandre." "i know lets get out of her." Sandre and himeko ran out of the cave."chikaine stop them she must not be aloud to leave." "hey what took so long to find me." "well the tacking you and them is not so easy." "so were did you leran how to track?" Sandre looked to her side "im your consin my mother taguht me how to track and sorry to lie to you but my mom told me befor she died that a gril ninja called himeko would need help to stop her mother." Himeko smile "im glad to know i have some one that can hlep me out when i need it. there three people in front of use." "who is it ?" "its anuka her pet and itachi. what the fuke lets try to aviod them." "okay" we went around them anuka peroble new i was nerve by but she didnt show it we. We made it back to the village and we rush to the fith to tell her what we found out. "So what both of you saying the plan this from the strat right when you encounter your mom it was a trap." "yes and we fell into it." A couple mintes passed "fith im asking to hunt them down and end this." "permison gratend but if you dont report in im sending a other teame out." "who can i take with me ?"
"Sandre and one more person." "i chose terry" "okay go and tell her the misson." we ran out the door we got to terry's house "hey terry we got a misson for you." "i be right there." a couple secons "okay what typ of misson is it." its a S-class misson we are going to go after chikaine and yuusou they both in the bingo book."
"Okay let me get my stuff i meet you out side the village." "Tsunade you no there is a trater amgon are tracker class ninja right." "yes but i dont know who."
ninja Part six is over hope you enjoy ninja
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at the end of 19 thats is when it finsh
its over if you didnt guess and leave a comment sorry mabey next time at part 10 i do it agin but for 1500 gold so see u then
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