Except he had a major stubble growth and a tie too wide for him. It was blue and had silver stripes. I thought this was a bit strange. Soon, The Doctor walked in. I soon chatted him up and told him a strange man was outside. The Doctor noticed him, and said it was bad he was watching me. He asked if he looked strange to me. I looked at him closely this time. He had a green haze about him, which I told the doctor.
"Ah yes, you can detect aliens. What color am I?" he asked me. I looked at him, and saw a blue outline about him.
"Blue... oh no it's my turn to get a hair cut. What should I do?" I asked him.
"Get a disguising one. It'll help trick him. I'll be back."
So sit down, let them work their magic, and the doctor is back, with his big blue box parked right outside, we then go and I get to roam his closet of doom. When I come out I look like this:

The only shoes in my size were converses. Typical of the new Doctor. But then we picked up Jack and some of his gay buddies. Then that strange man knocked on the door. We thought we had lost him. So what do we do? We get the TARDIS to rock back and forth, I rumple my hair and untuck my shirt. Then I go to the door and ask the nice man what the heck he wants. He blushes and asks if I have seen this girl. Who happens to be me. I say no and shut the door. He knocks again, and I send Jack, with the same tactic. He again says no, and the man finally gives up.
Still strange though.
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