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I hate change.
Song of The Day...Sad Story, by LoveHolic heart heart heart
Status: smile
Song of The Day...Sad Story, by LoveHolic heart heart heart
Status: smile
Today wasn't as bad as yesterday. In art, we finished the stippling and restarted the full body figure thing. I think we have a library appointment tomorrow or sometime this week or whatever too. Also, at least I made a friend in Art today. ^_^
In Music, it was kind of boring, we just did review for the test tomorrow, which I still need to study for.
And in Health, it was also one of our more boring days. This Chinese lady came in to teach Chinese, it was just for today as standard procedure for her job application she had to teach a practice class, which happened to be my class. We learned just a little basic Chinese like saying your name and saying hi and stuff, and sun, moon, fire, water, and all that. I hope she gets the job. ^_^ Actually, my health teacher (who looks nothing like an asian) was the Chinese teacher, but she's retiring. ^_^
After that, we just left 10 minutes early because of a fire drill. So, I went home. The bus stop is really lonely. The only person I know there is Ehsan, who I don't plan to talk to, plus there are a bunch of other kids who I'm guessing are from Clinton too. -__- The 26 was completely empty when it came, so I had a quiet ride home.
When I got home, my mom was going to order pizza, but she didn't because they put her on hold, and she had to go back to work because she was on her break. Though, when she came back, she bought pizza on the way. ^_^
Right before I came on to make my entry today, I also went outside just to stand in the rian. Hehe, it's fun. xD
Anyway, that's all for now, I guess.

You can assume that I mean it if you like. ^_^
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