This is "The Master"

This is The Doctor , holding "The Master"'s Dead lifeless body....

Anyways onto the dream right?
Imagine this, me masquerading as a guy in modern day Britain. Then, The Doctor walks up behind me. He follows me as I have a bag on my back.
"So, how's your home life?" he asks.
"I don't talk to strangers, but even strangers should know the divorce rates are crazy, and I'm not running away. I'm only switching parents for the week. Can't a guy get some rest from his overbearing mother?" I mutter trying to out walk him.
"Well, yes, but seeing as your a woman, you should really listen to her you know." He said. My feet stop, and he walks until he stands next to me. "First one to get it right off huh? Why would you hide?"
"It's just easier okay? No one looks twice in the hallways. The guys think I'm one of them, and generally the girls stay away, because I'm not too macho. So it doesn't matter," I tell him, and go to move away but he grabs my arm.
"So, what if you liked one of those guys at school, what then?" Doctor asks doing the brown eyes of questioningness. (Go watch some episodes if you don't understand this.)
"I'll ask myself that, when I get there." I admit. "I moved across the ocean two years ago. Haven't had a problem yet."
"But... that makes no sense" Doctor mumbles letting go of my arm.
As start walking off, "I am an illogical child. Hearing things no one else can... Feeling... nothing. Nothing good, just pain and sorrow, and sometimes joy, but never love. Never love. Strange... do I know you sir...?" I ask him.
"I'm the Doctor." he mutters.
"Wait. I think. Yeah, I had a doctor just like you state side. His name was Dr. Jones or Smith or something like that. He gave shots horribly. Haven't seen him since I was five or so. He even helped give birth. He was always there... strange man. Always cried when he first saw me at visits." I told him. Strange events, flashbacks that never happened.
"What would you say if I told you I was an alien?" He wondered, falling behind aways.
"Klingon, Vulcan, Asguard, Goa'uld, Jaffa, or what?" I asked turning around.
"Time Lord," He says mildly waving his hand.
"Time Lord, hmm. Then lets go somewhere fun. Like watching one of the live Twilight Zones, or going back to Macgyver... or... you don't want to take me do you?" I shrug, and keep on gong.
"How about the future?" he asks. "Doesn't the future hold any interest?"
"Grandfather paradox wouldn't exist! Sweet. Let's go Doctor. Daddykins can wait,"
And off we go. Well I better go pack. I gots to get up bright and early tomorrow.