Total Value: 62,441 Gold, 6,000 Tickets
[Item Information]
Item List:
#FF0000 Complex Shirt
Those Red 90s Pants
Enforced Tundra Boots
Oculus Magica
Crimson Red Pimpin' Cane
Red Wine Pimpin' Hat
SuperStar Red Tint Shades
The Mole
Gold Hoop Earrings
Gold Pocket Watch
Clot Glamrock Headband
Heart Shaped Box of Sweets
Red Leather Belt
Roco Rochel Costume Bracelet
That 70s Red Jacket
Gold Promise Ring
*Remaining Items*
Total Value: 49,976 Gold, 6,000 Tickets
[Item Information]
Item List:
#FF0000 Complex Shirt
Those Red 90s Pants
Enforced Tundra Boots
Oculus Magica
Red Wine Pimpin' Hat
SuperStar Red Tint Shades
The Mole
That 70s Red Jacket