So. Life's been going pretty good.
My birthday is a week away and Im excited. The extent of my drinking will probably be limited to 1 or 2 at Applebees along with an appetizer. We've already had my birthday dinner and Im getting my present this weekend since my birthday falls on a "bill week". :] Im hoping my dad will send me some money too.
In other news, I PASSED MY ******** FINALS! I got a 95 on the clinical competency and an 82 on the med/surg comprehensive. Im so happy. Everyone was feeling so sick during and after the finals. We were all so nervous about the grades. Lemme explain. See, now we all have good grades in the class. However, this does not matter if we fail the finals. That's right. If we had failed either part of the final, we would have failed the course entirely and have to start ALL OVER again in the program. So most of us waited around after to see if she'd post the grades before evaluations tomorrow. She did. Not one of us failed. Such a miracle. So I go in for my clinical evaluations tomorrow morning. That's where they tell us how we did in the hospital. Im curious as to what they say.
Besides that, I now am on quarter break. Hooray 2 1/2 weeks of absolutely nothing!
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Happy early birthday.
ninja First comment!