Kool/awesome/stuperly uber meow meow phantastisch words list
*Note...these are the words i voted for..i think.. mrgreen
1. Gubbelig = 'squishy'
2. etepetete
3. Atschibatsch = bragging....(i guess sweatdrop )
4. Kikiriki = sound a rooster makes
5. Schadenfreude = joy of someone-elses DESERVED suffering
6. Schwubbeldiwupp = wwwwwwoooooossssshhhhh (seriously)
7. Jungling = young, handsome, brave, handsome, couragous, handsome, knight, who is handsome. (AKA: My teacher's last name...and seriously, that IS almost EXACTLY how he described it)
8. Lippezimmer = lip room (lol, it was supposed to be another word, but the aide who typed it made a typo)
9. Pudelsak = a sack for poodles (LOLOLOL)
10. Rattesak = a rat sack..(AKA: a opossum, seriously)
Those are the actual meanings, i think, of those words. There were ALOT more funny ones....but me cant remember them. sweatdrop sweatdrop
Community Member
rofl ...I LIKE THE TITLE(the bold and underlined text)...*quack*