Im the gate keeper of time and life. My mission is to make sure that no one interferes with it. Any one who try's to destory it, i will kill. My only friend is my dragon how i found him i dont remeber.I serve under a queen. Her name is Queen Himeko. this the stroy of my avater
Four years have past and the world is known in chaos the queen has ask me to help her. But I know that my end is coming I will not hesitate to fight. My life is nothing with out my queen she is important to me there is one hope left her self but if she does she will die.Hum………I jest in life there is nothing left but to hope I must believe in my on power and power of my comrades. We can still save the world and keep peace or crystal moon will be destroy and earth’s future will be in chaos for ever. Queen as also other a group of Amb Blackops to guard the princes. There is 4 days still left before the attacked begins.
What is this strang power i can feel it. 3days left the Queen has made me into a Amb Blackops my job is the same but know the head leader of the gruop is conerin about somthing and it dills with my past. I over herd the Queen and him talking about it somthing saying i should not be trust so much becaues of somthing in side me like call D.E it has the same power as the Queen. What did i do in the past life i cant rember that only when i saw the Queen 10 yeas ago that is all i can rember. Any way i should worry about the fight i must save the Queen no mater what.
That night many of the people were scared when i turnd to my side the queen was there she told me to not worry at all both earth and crystale moon will be saved. As she sad this a Amb blackops ran up to us saying that they are coming. for Four hours we fought but out of now were my left eye stated to hert "queen the gate keeper eye is trasforming" 'So it has begone " after a couple of nights my i past out. I rewoke the himeko was about us the dimonde crustale she look at me and said see i told u both would be saved i hope u have a nice life on earth oh and if u see my daurter again help her u will rewake to ur former self when u see her. Bye I was glad to have a frend like u at the end.
Well that is it for this story i might counti it but to tell the truth this is somthing that has happen to me in life.
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Story that i made
storys on the charters and my avater
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