A boy and a girl were walking along a cracked road. The dusty pavement beneath. The light blinking red. They looked at each other. There hands clasped together. They walk past a park, its swings swing lightly back and forth. The leaves blow around as the wind whips across her face. Her name was Scarlet. His name was Matthew. They seemed to be in love. The city was deserted. Everyone gone. Dead. But they walk around and around. Never making a sound. Finally Scarlet whispered.
"What do we do?" She cried quietly clutching his hand intensely.
"I don't know" He said quietly stopping.
"Why? What is happening?!? Everyone is DEAD!" She screamed.
They heard a russle and movement around the swings. Matthew whips around and put Scarlet behind his back protectively. She whimpered quietly regretting her shout. Her dirty white dress whipped in the wind. The tree blew wildly. Her flats were torn and ripped. Matthew's dirty polo shirt drifted around his warm body. His converse dirty and torn at the toes.
"Whose there?" He demanded.
A man stepped out from behind the tree. He is eyes blood red, his skin white as snow, his clothes blood stained. His teeth sharp and white stained with blood. Matthews gasps stumbles back falling onto Scarlet.
"RUN!!!!" Screamed Matthew. Scarlet looks at him tearfully. "GO" he said urgently, "I'll be fine"
"DON'T YOU LIE TO ME MATTHEW!" She yelled her face tear-stained face clutching his arms. "Don't you lie! He is BAD. You are not going to be alright." Vampires started showing up. As she clutched him like no tomorrow. She saw a gun just as a vampire bit Matt and shot it. He looked dead. She pulled the gun up to her head. She heard a scream and pulled the trigger. The last thing she saw was Matt with ruby eyes. Matt saw her body go limp. He grabbed the gun and pulled. They died into eachothers arms. Like Romeo and Juliet.
They found out that the world IS a vampire!!!
hi there,
first of all i ...
I did Otaku's point of view...
GO L!!! LOL! It's strange, ...
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