Chapter 14 - Giga city secrets - Part 2
(Music playing - World of thought/ Megaman X command mission)Download
*Somewhere in the Giga city continents,.... Kay allong with Jack, Brock, and a few squad of MDF solders were in the old prison facilty of Giga city islands, searching for the signatures of the specal biometal. Kay already made recordings of the data from the first 3 of the specal biometals. Kay intends to use them to find the secret biometals.*
Kay= Now according to this data, the next specl biometal is deep in this facility. It's several miles down not to menson the lower section is crammed with mavericks. Everyone best be prepaired.
Jack= I read you love, Im just hoping John and Phil are doing fine.
Brock= Not to menson John has a Model W inside of him.
Kay= Don't worry. I resurected Cinimon, she has all of John's medical data I made long ago, and the present data I made when I scanned him. John should be fine for now.
Jack= I hope John is ok, I hope we can get that thing out of him soon.
Brock= Me too. Why would Omega Zero want to put that inside of John and not kill him in the first place?
Kay= I really dont know. Omega Zero hates John. And whatever plan he has, it's not good for us. And it's reaaly not good for John. We need to concentrate on looking for these biometals if we ever want to recover that treasure, which is the only thing that can save John.
*Kay and her party took some elevators down the area and lifts to the lower sections and took out some old mechanloids allong the way. They began to use tracking computers to help them get arround the maze like facility. Some of the MDF solgers searched arround some prison cells looking for anything useful but only few were lucky. They only managed to find some energy crystals and machine parts. Then the group regrouped and began to take more sets of lifts and venture deeper into the facility. Then they found a lower section of a dark lonely room where someone used to be hooked up to it.*
Brock= Look at this. Isnt this an old monitoring device?
Kay= it must be. But it's no longer functional. It can be salvaged for parts. Let's collect it and save it.
Jack= Look, I see something move in the other side of that room.
(Music stops)
Kay= What!?
*Suddently, the near man shaped shadowy figure took fuller shape and formed into a space pirate and it snarled at the group and took off at top speed.*
(Music playing - In the nick of time/ Megaman X command mission)Download
Brock= A space pirate!
Kay= All troops, pursue that space pirate!!
*Kay and the rest of the group ran to chase the space pirate in the path it was running to. Kay megamerged with her TRANS biometal, Model RC. Jack megamerged with his TRANS biometal, Model JZZ, and Brock megamerged with his furry biometal Model SC. The rest of the troops primed there weapons and began to chase down the space pirate till they reached a vault. A vault with massive cutting marks by space pirates that they were trying to get through.*
Jack= There after the specal biometal too!?
Kay= We cant let them have it.
Space Pirate 1= Look! The MDF is here!
Space Pirate 2= All unit's attack! We must defend the vault!
Brock= There attacking!!
(Music changes to - Samus vs Space Pirates/ Metroid Prime)Download
Kay= Arm yourselves!
*Kay fifed her blasters and so did Jack and the troopers. Brock used his projectile attacks to fight off the space pirate troopers. The rest of the MDF solgers took positions and made barracades and opened fire on the space pirates giving cover to the mega men.*
Space Pirate 3= This is not enough! The'll slaughter us within minnutes!
Space Pirate 1= We need to release them!
Space Pirate 2= We need time to heat up the transfer. There so big. It's not like us going through that thing!
Space Pirate 3= Silence! Heat it up now! Otherwise thell be hell to pay for inconvinente pirates!
*Without further question, one of the space pirate goons activated a transporter for a big party and something else.*
Kay= Take them all down! We cant let them get what were after!
Jack= That Tom must have figured it out for them! Blasted Git!
*More gunfire was raining across each others groups and lonly the space pirate's side was loosing. The other pirates withdrawn and more specal weapons troops cane in, this time Mega Pirates. Crude biometal space pirates, this time a Model F and Model H space pirate appeared with several jet pirates for backup.*
Kay= It's the megamen pirates! Look out!!
*Kay his time set her weapons to maximum and fired on the mega pirate.*
Jack= That's the data of Model F and Model H. Bloody Pirates!!
Resistance solder 1= Continue giving them cover! Defend the megamen! Shoot the pirates!
Resistance solger 2= There armor is better than there own troops. We cant scratch them so easally!
Resistance solger 3= Look out! Jet pirates!!
*3 jet pirates flown carefully past Kay, Brock, and Jack and tried to take out the solgers of MDF. The jet pirates launched some missles on the build portable baracades of the MDF solgers thus blowing them up.*
Resistance solger 2= Our baracades arent meant to repel missles! We'll be slaughtered!
Resistance solger 3= Avasive manovers, roll and fire!!
Resistance solger 4= Im rolling! Im shooting. *missle hits* ARGHHH!!!!!!
Kay= Brock! Me and Jack got this! Save the troopers! Take out those jet pirates!
*Brock turned arround and performed a tempest attack on one of the jet pirates and took one out. Then he switched to Model PE and threw some heart shaped projectiles on the other 2 thus taking 11 out and damaging the other. One of the troops took out the last with a bazoka.*
Space Pirate 1= Mega Pirates! Hurry up! Kill them!!
Space Pirate 2= Hold them off!!
*Kay slid and manovered over the Model F Pirate and launghed some double strength machine gun blasts on it from behind. Jack used a sub weapon, spiral gun on the Model H pirate thus bringing it down.*
Jack= This isnt over love.
Kay= I know. There summoning something else.
(Music changes to - Samus vs. Chozo ghosts/ Metroid Prime)Download
*Suddenly, there were 4 Elete Pirates with built on Model W's just like the ones John and Phil fought. The other space pirates took too the corner for cover. The 4 elete pirates began to pick up junk and throw it on the mega men.*
Jack= Elete Pirates!?
Kay= I though these were disconinued. Wait... they got Model W on them! Take them down!!
Brock= Every one who can still fight! Maximum power guns! FIRE!!
*Brock went back to Kay and Jack while all MDF solgers were using the strongest firearms shooting at the elete pirates. The elete pirates began to use there shockwave pound attacks that attacked from the ground. Kay, Jack, and Brock managed to dodge sucsessfully but allot of troops were struck by the attack.*
Resistance solger 5= Withdraw! Withdraw! Those things are too much!
Kay= All solger units retreat!! We'll take care of these!
Jack= This calls for something stronger than this.
Brock= Ill take them on with my magic!
*Brock casted (Fire 3) on the elete pirates but only took medium damage.*
Kay= Brock! Concentrate on that only one at a time! Spells targeting on all of them at once isnt enough!
*The elete pirates began to use there back mounted grenades and firing on the group. Jack megamerged with his Oblivion armor, and gained a tremendous ammount of power. He used his O buster and took out 1 elete pirate. Brock casted (Fire 3) this time on only 1 elete pirate. It took maximum damage and Kay fired a sub weapon, super missle on the elete pirate that took the fire spell and took it out. The rest of the remaining MDF solgers came back with a specal weapons unit. An armored carrier walking armor and the trooper riding it joined the fight with the megamen. The remaining troops latched themselves to the walls and climbed half way to avoid the shockwave attacks fired rounds of bazoka shells at the elete pirates. Jack took another blow to another elete pirate and hit a vital section on it thus killing it, and Brock Megammerged with SC once again and took a sword attack to the elete pirate from behind and Kay used her specal sub weapon buzz saw and sliced a piece of a Model W off from the elete pirate and it ran screaming in pain and the armored carrier trooper flung the elete pirate it and fell on the pirate transmat and blew up and killed the rest of the pirates with it.*
(Music dies down slowly)
Kay= (panting) Ohhhhhh... That was rough.
Jack= Are you alright love?
Brock= I never seen elete pirates that strong before.
Resistance solger elete= We got 4 dead, 4 wounded and 2 with only minimum injuries. It wasnt easy at all.
Jack= Look, all the fighting wore out the vault.
Brock= That saves us from using our cutting tools.
Kay= Im gonna go on and check the vault out. You all should get some rest.
*Inside the vault, Kay found a capsule containing a specal biometal. Then the capsule activated and a holligram of Dr. Light appeared before Kay.*
(Music changes to -Dr. Light/ Megaman X 5 )Download
Dr. Light= Who are you? You must be a member of the MDF who helps John in search for the legendary power.
Kay= My name is Kay. I am in charge of the MFD. I established it. And yes, I am helping John. But John is ill. He needs these biometals to help us find that legendary treasure.
Dr. Light= Your friendship with John is genuine indeed. Please take this biometal. May his brute strength and noble heart aid you in your quest. He seemed to help out my son in need a few centuries ago, now his soul exists with this biometal. You all may share his powers too. Thank you all for helping John in his need of aid. Take Model MO with you.
*The biometal in white, red, & green appeared and it spoke with a tough masculine tone to Kay.*
Model MO= Im Model MO, and your friend needs help. If you can, I would like to meet him. But for now, Let me megamerge with you and ill wait untill I meet John and we can call it offical.
Kay= Thanks Model MO. You can use me for now untill we meet John again. Model RC, is it alright?
Model RC= It's fine Kay. Go ahead and let him accept you.
Kay= Alright, you may megamerge with me.
(Music changes to - Massimo of steel/ Megaman X command mission)Download
*Kay felt the flowing power once Model MO took ahold of her in shining light, then she felt muscular like force surround her in mega man armor and thus was megamerged with Model MO. Kay looked at her main weapon and it appeared to be a hammer like trident with sapber points.*
Model MO= This is my main weapon Miss Kay. You shoult try it out on some rubble. Give it a shot, dont be shy.
Kay= Alright.
*Kay tested the power of the steel weapon of Model MO and it shattered the scrap boulders into rubble.*
Model MO= I can even use a slide dash and you can swing it while dashing too. It takes pracice so you can try it out and even descover more of my powers as well.
Kay= Thanks Model MO. Well guys, mission accomplished. Let's check on the others. I hope Halkel and the others are ok.
(Music dies down slowly)
*Meanwhile in another area in the Giga continent,.... Halkel, Turok, Duke, Ciel, and Mer were in a mining area where the insturments containing the data extracted from the 3 specal biometal leading them to the next specal biometal.*
(Music playing - The groups Destitute place/ Megaman X command Mission)Download
Halkel= Kay's radar was right. Were in the right place.
Turok= I hope Phil and Kay are fine?
Duke= Relax, Turok. I know the little guys are fine. Besides, Kos-Mos and Cedre are watching the Pillar, Phenox and his crew are watching the Bonnes.
Halkel= Are you sure the Bonnes can be trusted? Didnt they attack the Abagalian residental area 104 years ago? You know, in that timeline?
Ciel= That timeline? Oh with the other Ciel girl right?
Mer= Oh that timeline.... John met her and those other kids who helped him fight off the Bonnes.
Turok= Kay told us that the Bonnes are now cooperating with us. There on an espionauge mission. They got some bones to pick with Dr. Wily.
Duke= Do we all!? That old geek got those space pirates and Queen Zeal involved in this mess in the first place. Not to menson he restored Weil as well.
Halkel= We'll talk about this later, right now we need to get to that biometal. According to this radar, it's in the lowest section of this mining facility. Im also detecting space prate activity. Not to menson John and Phil are the only ones who can wield the treasure's power. We got to get it at all costs.
*Halkel megamerged with Model GR (a gargoyle like beast biometal), Duke megamerged with Model IH, Turok megamerged with Model RC, Ciel megamerged with Model SK, and Mer megamerged with Model MF. Everyone except Halkel were in Transformer biometal and now venturing deep in the mining facility taking down every single maverick in their path. Most of them were too easy, but as they traveled deeper, more of the mechanloids got more tougher and more increased in numbers and groups, thus Halkel's group used heavier force to cut through the resistance lines. But it got worse and harder as they traveled deeper within each floor.*
Duke= How much further little hedgehog buddy?
Halkel= Further down. We got to go deeper. We cant let those space pirates steal that capsule. I bet they figured out what were after.
Turok= Let's go faster. No time to rest! The enemie is after the goods!
*When the group cut through the remaining defense line, they found a control chamber and there were space pirates digging through places and walls, but they were not looking for more Model W, they were searching for something else.*
Halkel= Just as I thought! There after our capsule.
(Music dies down slowly)
*Space pirates turned there heads and the leader cought site of Halkel and the leader gave a primal like roar allerting the other pirates.*
(Music Playing - Samus Vs. Space Pirates/ Metroid Prime)Download
Turok= They see us!
Halkel= Here they come! Get ready everyone! Take them all out!
Ciel= Let's hit'em hard bro!
Mer= Right behind you sis!
Model MF= Damn space pirates, they gonna get an a** whippin!
Model SK= Leave'em to me! Im gonna kick there asses!
Model IH= Stay close young ones! Dont get too cocky!!
Halkel= Stay close to each other, dont go running off! We dont know what these pirates will do!
*The space pirate regulars began firing there galvanic blasters and activated there arm mounted scythes. Regulars, shadow pirates, and commando pirates began to circle the group and try to attack them in all corners.*
Turok= They got shadow pirates!
Duke= Commands!
Ciel= More space pirate troops on my ends!
Model SK= Uh oh, were surrounded. Not good dude!
Model MF= What are we waiting for!?
Mer= We need to fight them off!
Halkel= Take them all out! Defend that capsule at all costs!
*Halkel and Duke took on the commando pirates, Turok fought the shadow pirates, and Ciel and Mer took on the regular pirates. Halkel and Duke took there weapons such as blasters and saber weapons and baseball batted back any grenade projectile the commandos fired at them. Turok with his advanced hunting skills used his sences and took down any shadow pirate trying to get him from behind and tricked them into thinking he was defenceless or easy prey, but you know Turok is just too good for that. Ciel and Mer, the 2 new members fought against the regular space pirates, each using a duel tech attack shashing and thrashing space pirtates that tried to either shoot them or hit them from behind. Later, the space pirates forces were reduced to very few.*
Halkel= Exelent job everyone! There's to few left of them to guard anything.
Space Pirate 1= Damn! Deploy them now!!
Space Pirate 2= Deploying elete pirates!
(Music stops)
*The Space pirates activated a transfer device and they were sending in the elete pirates. 4 of them appeared from the teleport pad and the remaining pirates guarded the pad.*
(Music playing - Samus VS. Chozo ghosts/ Metroid Prime)Download
Halkel= It's not over yet! Elete Pirates!? Wait....something's different with them! It cant be!.....Model W's clamped on them!?
Duke= What!? You dont mean!?
Truok= Those sick Pirates! Using Model W as a weapon and a power source.
Ciel= Model W clampings!? Gross!
Mer= That's so crude and nasty!
Duke= Well, kids, there space pirates after all, and the'll get firepower by any meanings.
Halkel= Here they come! Get ready cause this is gonna be rough!
*The elete pirates began to fire their yellow grenades and fire their ground shockwave attacks. Halkel jumped upward and slashed at the elete pirate while Turok and Duke took on the other elete pirates with extreme force. Ciel and Mer both took on 1 elete pirate together. The battle was fierce and rough, and the group members aimed for the Model W pieces on the elete pirates, and the stradegy seemed to work, and had better luck that Kay and her group did. After a few minnutes later, Halkel slayed his first 2 elete pirates, while turok and Duke slayed another elete pirate and Ciel and Mer were still battling the last one. Halkel flew up with his biometal powers and used his blade weapon and stabbed the Model W section of the attacking elete pirate and killed it.*
(Music dies down slowly)
Halkel= Are you guys alright!?
Mer= Im beat, but im ok.
Ciel= Those guys were tough.
Turok= Model W's on space pirates? What were they thinking?
Duke= Is the kids alright!?
Halkel= They took a good fight but there ok. I can use my healing magic on everyone. Hold still ok?
*Halkel casts (Heal 3) on the entire group.*
Mer= That fells much better.
Ciel= I thought John was the only one who could use magic?
Turok= There are others who can use magic in the MDF.
Mer= Why cant we learn how to do that? And what about Kay?
Ciel= Remember, were reploids! We cant use magic. Kay cant use magic cause she's a reploid too.
Duke= I cant use it either and im not a reploid.
Turok= Not all beings can use it. You have to either be born with it or be granted specal permissions and be granted with spiritual powers.
?????= And so correct Mr. Turok sir. (chuckles)
Halkel= What the?
Turok= Thanks....huh...Wait...thats?
?????= You said it MDF!!
*The shadowy figure appeared from the transporter alongside the space pirates, was none other than Dalton himself and behind him was Dr. Light's specal capsule containing the assental custom biometal the group was looking for.*
Mer= The capsule!
Ciel= Dalton has it!
Turok= Were too late.
(Music playing - Mystery of the force metals/ Megaman X command mision)Download
Dalton= My calculations indicate that you were after this capsule correct? And I was beginning to wonder why werent you MDF goons werent after the Model W's and Dr. Wily's numbers like you pesky little good guys are supposed to do. You have a secret agenda do you?
Halkel= Not like it's any of your buisiness.
Duke= You give that to us if you wan to keep your pretty head on your shoulders!
Turok= Not so fast Duke. Look.
*Turok notices that there's a force field protecting the teleporter that Dalton and he remaining pirates were standing in.*
Halkel= Oh....damnit!
Dalton= You said it friends. And I will find out what you need this for anyways? I knew something was going wrong when I investigated the swift attacks that you and these other MDF goons did on our facility raids, and you were after these.
Duke= What are you gonna do with that?
Dalton= Easy. Investigate it and analize it. Im sure it has something handy for us. Afterall, any weapon or device we find is welcome to the new empire. *Cackles* Anyways, I need to give you a reward for your troubles. Enjoy. AHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAAA!!
*Dalton and the remaining space pirates teleported away, and the foce field died down*
Halkel= Ah s**t!! We were so close!
Turok= Can you trace him down with there teleport pad?
Halkel= I can try to tamper into the teleporter, but it's pretty crude looking, since it's a space pirate model.
*Suddenly, the teleporter activated automaticly and there was a huge bomb set to explode in 5 minnutes and a holligram message appeared from the bomb.*
Dalton (holligram)= Do you think you can escape this bomb's time limit? If you can, your survival will be your reward. If not, ...well, you get the picture. Hahahahahaha!
(Music changes to - Samus vs. Meta Ridley/ Metroid Prime)Download
Turok= It's a bomb! And it's big enough to blow up this entire facility!
*Halkel and the rest ran as fast as they could through the elevators and through the tunnels and through obstacles that they had to wall kick climb over pits and traps. The elevators got deactivated so they had to take the service tunnels. with 3 minnutes left, they continued to travel the tunnels to escape the mining facility before the bomb detonates, then there were mechanloids trying to slow them down. Everyone hacked there way through the fray and with 1 minnute left. Now they found the exit but the space pirates set off bombs that caved it in.*
Mer= Were trapped! Were gonna die!!
Ciel= Oh god no!!
Duke= Damn that Dalton!
Halkel= We got no choice, take that teleporter to Giga city. We need to lay low once we go there. Everyone ready?
Turok= We have no choice then! Let's go!
*Everyone walked into the Giga city service transporter and all 5 made it to Giga city safely.*
(Music stops)
*Halkel, Turok, Duke, Mer, and Ciel came out of the transporter of the Giga city's public units and they ran to the windowshield to the location of the mining facility island, and saw the explosion that gave off a tremor tha shook the giga city a bit and took site of the mushroom cloud.*
(Music playing - The grudge/ Tales of Symphonia)Download
Halkel= The b*****d!
Duke= The t**t tried to kill us.
Turok= That monster.
*Suddenly, Giga city police reploids surrounded the area and surrounded Halkel and his group at gunpoint.
Giga Police chief= GIGA CITY POLICE, FERRZE!
Giga cop 1= Drop your biometals and surrender!
Giga cop 2= Your under arrest! Disembark your biometal's, and put your hands behind your head.
Mer= Dalton!....I bet he planned this.
Ciel= I wouldnt be suprised.
Halkel= Everyone, take off your biometals now. There giga police, not our enemies.
*Halkel and his group took off there biometals, sat them on the ground and held there hands high.*
Giga police chief= You 5 have the right to remain silent. Anything you say will be used against of you in court of law.
Coga cop 1= 2 humans, 1 alien, 2 reploid children assisting 3 illegal aliens.
Giga cop 2= Everyone, cuff'em!
*Halkel and his group were arrested by the Giga city police and were all taken away to the tower of the city. Once in the holding cell, and with no biometal on them and their insturments taken away, more giga city police reploids and Dr. Wily and a company of his specal numbers, Einker, Punk, and Ballade were with him as his bodyguards.*
Dr. Wily= So these are the criminals associated with the MDF.
Giga cop 1= Yes sir, Dr. Wily. They came out of the public transporter as soon as we witnessed the explosion of the mining facility. Destruction of Giga city landscapes and facilities, plus 3 illegal aliens and 2 reploid trators. This is enough to put them away for several years.
Giga cop 2= 2 humans, a furry and 2 reploids. What a odd group. What do you think Sir Wily?
Dr. Wily= I say this group is extremely dangerous.
Halkel= Dr. Wily..... you!!
Duke= What are you doing here?
Turok= Isnt Giga city supposed to be a human free rescorce?
Dr. Wily= Only if you have a pass from the trinity, and you and that creature dont have one.
Giga cop 3= Dr. Wily is our new president of Giga city. He was elected by the sennate some years ago. A senate allies of the sage trinity.
Halkel= Why do I get the felling something fishy is going on here?
Giga cop 2= Legal rights little creature.
Giga cop 1= I beg your pardon mister.
Dr. Wily= And what else did you find on them besides their biometals?
Giga cop 2= We found this radar like device on the leader. Looks custom made. Programed to pinpoint some kind of capsule with a strange signature. The rest of it is password protected.
Dr. Wily= Password protected radar? No I wonder?
Halkel= What did you do with our biometals?
Dr. Wily= Their all safe in my vaults. These biometals are kinda new. Kinda unique too. Dont worry, ill take good care of them. Ill analize them too, and see what kind they are.
Duke= Giga police, why are you working with this man?
Einker= Silence musclehead.
Ballade= Just stay in the cells and keep your mouths suht.
Punk= I doubt if you qualify for an attourney here. *snickers*
Dr. Wily= Quiet you dolts. Let the good giga police deal with them for now.
Halkel= Oh yeah, and we almost forgot to menson that we ran into you space pirate friends and Dalton in the mines when they set off the bomb....
Dr. Wily= Why I never...
Einker= Space pirates?
Ballade= And Dalton? He's a good servant of the Giga city community.
Giga cop 3= This bunch sounds dellusional. Dr. Wily, associated with space pirates? Dalton an ally of space pirates? That's rediculous!
Giga cop 1= Not to worry sir, we will keep tabs on this group. These aliens and mavericks will be watched over heavally.
Dr. Wily= Exelent noble sir. Be sure it's done. As for you MDF terrorists, I hope you have enough e- crystals to pay for the damages otherwise your going to the largest prison facility in the world for your crimes. *laughs*
*Dr. Wily and his bodyguards and the police walk away and leave the chamber*
Mer= a*****e!
Ciel= What are we going to do? Were getting blamed for Dalton's dirtywork, and Dr. Wily's running giga city?
Halkel= I think Dr. Wily is using fake citizen documents to trick these people. There's no damn way Dr. Wily is qualified to be president of Giga city. His robot masters running free and his pact with the space pirates and Zeal empire and not to menson he's searching for Model W's.
Duke= Who's gonna save us? And save our biometal and that capsule?
Turok= Im sure Kay can think of something.
(Music dies down slowly)
*Meanwhile on the Pillar of Autumn...... John, Phil, Cinimon returned and so did Kay, Jack, Brock and the remaining 6 reploid troops of Kay's ship, they were helping 4 wounded, and brought back the extra 4 in bodybags. Kay's troops suffered 4 casualties and 4 here injured badly and 2 only had minimum damage.*
(Music playing - Mystery of the force metals/ Megaman X command mision)Download
Kos-Mos= Welcome back everyone.
Kay= Hi Kos. Oh, Phil! I didnt expect you to come back so soon.
Jack= Phil mate. How you been?
Phil= Good so far. Guess what? Me and John got one! A specal biometal.
Kay= So did we. We got Model MO
John= I got Model MA
Brock= John, how did you do?
John= Good so far.
Cinimon= John did an acceptional job reguardless of his conditons.
Phil= Which reminds me, did anyone get in contact with Halkel and my mates Turok, Duke and the twins?
Kos-Mos= I never gotten any further contact from them yet. Their late.
Cedre= This is odd. I wanted to join in the fight but someone had to stay and guard the pillar.
Kay= Wait,....let me try to contact them. Halkel, Halkel, do you read me.
*Kay uses the Pillar's hailing device but there was only static and no reply*
Phil= He's not picking up.
Kos-Mos= Wait..... I am picking up a disturbance in the mining region of the giga continent. The mining facility has been totaly destroyed!
Phil= You got to be shittin me!?
Kay= Look, there's a tv broadcast from giga city, let's watch it.
*Kay turns on the bridge screen and sets it to tv mode and listens to the broadcast.*
TV reploid woman= We interupt this program for a smashing news bulletin. The mining facility of the giga continent had recently been destroyed and 5 suspects were captured durring the incident. The suspects are identified as following. The leader is identified as a hedgehog creature named Halkel, 2 unregistered humans, and 2 young reploids were sceen using the giga city transmat network illegaly in attempt to escape their own bomb that shook the entire city. Our president of Giga city Dr. Wily had informed us that these 5 suspects are the noutorious MDF group. This group is identified armed and extremely dangerous. Our other citizen units had made wanted posters of the other remaining fugitives. Our investigator tells us that a large capsule had been recovered from the mines before the explosion, no furhter details available at this time. More Details at 11:00 pm. That is ll for now. Stay tuned for further news coverage.
Phil= Oh son of a b***h!!
Kay= You got to be kidding me!? Dr. Wily, president of Giga city!?
Jack= That's a load of utter crap! I bet he set up our mates, that swindlin git!
Brock= We got 5 down.
John= Oh no, that's our capsule! We need that thing!
Kay= More important that WE, the entire MDF are now wanted fugatives! I got to warn my crew back in the Kakarott.
*Suddenly, a hailing frequency channel activated and it's from the Kakarott, and Phenox was making the call.*
Phenox (radio)= Miss Kay, did you see the news broadcast from Giga city?
Kay= I saw it all. Halkel and his group are captured by Giga police. Caught legaly and fairly, so we cant attempt to make a fair pardon statement, cause we all just been made fugitives of Giga city.
Phenox (radio)= This is the worst.
Teasel (radio)= Yo, Kay. Are you alright!?
Kay= Teasel. It's been a good little while.
Teasel (radio)= I seen all of that on the tube. Those Giga geeks locked up 5 of your pals.
Kay= I know. Dr. Wily got us good now.
Phenox (radio)= Not to worry captain, we got both the Bonne ship and the Kakarott in full allert. Were going to lay low until we await further command.
Teasel (radio)= I got an idea, why not send John over here and let us get back together and we can sneak into Giga city like we did before.
Kay= That's thoughtful of you but not until we come up with a plan. We cant let John just waltz in there with the specal biometal in his hands and risk loosing more of the specal biometal than we should and put the mission in greater jepoardy.
John= I cant wait for this anymore! Model SH, Model G, Model MA, you 3 stay here with the group and share your powers. Im gonna go after those.....
Kay= John, dont you dare!
Jack= She's right mate. You'll be walkin into a trap.
Kay= John, you becoming part of Halkel's rescue is out of the question! We cant jepodise you in this.
Teasel (radio)= What!?
Kay= Im gonna go in there with Jack and Brock, plus a backup team. Phil, John, and Cinimon are to stay out of Giga city.
John= I hope Kaolla and the others are doing fine with Ashe and Grey.
*So the chase for the specal biometal as down to 1 more, but Dalton had cheated a victory from our heroes and now Halkel and his group are arrested. Kay and her group are reunited and now forming a plan which she will not allow John, Phil, and Cinimon to be part of. Now the odds are changed from good to slim. And John is begining to worry about Kaolla's group. What will happen next time?*
To be continued........
- by Tanooki John |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 05/18/2010 |
- Skip

- Title: Megaman Heroes 3 -chapter 14
- Artist: Tanooki John
- Description: Based on the Megaman ZXadvent crossover with metroid, other megaman titles, and additional extras. All continent (c) respectable owners
- Date: 05/18/2010
- Tags: megamanzxadvent metroid turok dukenukem
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Comments (2 Comments)
- Neo Arcane - 05/23/2010
Also John...Turok, Duke Nukem
& Nathan "RAD" Spencer DON'T use Biometals.
They use guns & other weapons from their OWN video game series!
So next time, please let them use their OWN signature weapons;
ie; Turok's Tek-Bow, knife & other weapons from Turok 1 & 2,
Duke Nukem's gold Desert Eagle, shotgun, minigun & other guns from
DN: Zero Hour, Time to Kill, DN3D, Land of the Babes & Manhattan Project.Spencer's weapons are his Bionic arm, pistol, Hiker shotgun, Yelena
sniper rifle, Joe - Report As Spam
- Neo Arcane - 05/19/2010
Well that's just f#@%ing great,
that b*****d Dalton has my team framed
...I swear to Christ both Wily & Dalton are gonna pay
for their crimes! - Report As Spam