I’m Lulu Nolongi, the heroine of this story. I am 14 1/2 and am currently in high school, in 9th grade. I lived in Hell, Michigan. I think my life is normal… I go to school, staring out the window, bored. I wake up every morning and think it sucks, eat, sleep, laugh, cry, frown. I live by myself, in an apartment near school. I walk to school, sometimes take the bus. I can’t drive yet… It’s kinda hard to tell stories like this in present tense, 1st person. I’ll try as hard as I can. Now this part happened like 1 ½, 2 months ago…
I was sitting in the park, on the grass, on a hill, petting a fox kit. I heard a LOUD noise. I wasn’t sure what it was, but it was LOUD, so I went to check it out. I heard another noise, it was close too. It sounded like a gun, maybe a canon? I ran in the direction I heard it.
Another noise, similar to a loud rumble, the ground shook a bit. I must be close. I stopped when I saw something metallic. I went forward, but there was an invisible force field, and for some reason, I put my hand on it, and I got through. I stayed where I was, I saw something move. It looked like a person, wasn’t sure.
I looked up for some odd reason, and saw what was being shot at. It was a giant metal, sadistic looking robot. I could see why bullets were deflecting, it looked bullet-proof. I was good at finding vulnerable spots, so I searched.
I found it/them. I searched for something to attack with. I’m pretty sure it saw me… A few more shots deflected. The thing shot at something, a gun was dropped. I went and picked it up. Aim, fire, hit. This time it saw me for sure. I was in some preeeettttty deeeep crap… I had damaged it some, it was piiiisssed…
It had some pretty big gun aiming at me, I was frozen in fear. I couldn’t move no matter how hard I tried. Someone knocked me over just in time. I’m sure he was the one who dropped the gun. It had missed me, because that Person had knocked me over. I took a look at the person. It was a boy. He helped me up and gave me a bigger gun. I was happy. “You alright?” he asked. “Ya! Thanks!” I replied.
“How’d you do that?” “I searched for the vulnerable spot… spots… it’s in its knees and neck.” He nodded. Aim, fire, hit. One spot down, 2 to go. I didn’t know what was going on or what I was doing, all I knew was that this thing was evil, and we had to kill it. Another dude joined us. “You found its weak spot?” “Nooo… she did…” the first dude said. “SHE did?!?” the second guy was astounded. “Just shut up and shoot!” I yelled at him. “Hold on! I’ll be right back!” the first guy was more saying it to me.
He took out a cool looking sword from his side, and killed the machine. The second guy, I noticed, was looking puzzeledly at me. “Why didn’t you do that in the first place?!?” I shouted at the first guy when he got back. “We had to weaken it a certain amount.” They explained. We ran out of the forest into the light. It kinda hurt my eyes. “How’d you find the vulnerability? How’d you even get in?!!??” the second guy shouted. “Calm down! I’m sure there was a flunk in the system! Besides! She saved my a**! OUR asses!” the first guy said. “I put my hand on the shield, and it faded, and I got through…”
I can’t believe this guy I didn’t even know was defending me… I got a good look at both of them. They could see me. They were surprised by my appearance. The first guy had light brown hair, he was wearing a black vest, bullet proof, and a dark blue long sleeved shirt was under it. He had black pants on. His eyes were light blue, kinda like mine. His hair was a bit longer than most guys, almost to his
shoulders, but it was in a ponytail. The second guy had blonde hair. Same wardrobe as the first guy. Greenish-blue, bluish green? Teal maybe eyes. His hair was just a bit long in the back. They’re both taller than me by just about an inch and a half to two inches taller than me. I’m about 5’8½’’. My hair’s in between dark and light blue, it’s kinda long, it goes down my back. I just got out of school, so I’m still wearing my uniform. My hair’s in a ponytail. “Uh-“the brown haired guy tried to say something. I know…
I could’ve at least been in jeans… “Thanks for helping us.” The blonde said. I nodded. The brunette took a step toward me, but just as soon fell; I could see his leg was injured. The thing had gotten him, and he hadn’t dodged it. I caught him before he could hit the ground. “Maybe you two should stay at my place and recover a bit. I’ve got plenty of room.” I suggested. The blonde agreed. “But you don’t even know us!” the brunette said. “That doesn’t change the fact that you helped me. Besides, you’re both injured.”
They both nodded. The blonde and I helped the brunette. He was limping, so he was balancing on us. When we got there, I opened the door, and lay the brunette on the couch. I looked at the blonde. “You sit down too.” He did. ”Good. I need to treat both of you.” I went and got my supplies. I went back out. “Treat him first.” The blonde said. I nodded.
“So… Who are you guys?” I asked. “Who are we? Or what are our names?” the blonde replied “Your names please.” “I’m Kizaro Zakaso.” The blonde said. “I’m Koroko Tekuro.” The brunette said. “I’m Lulu Nolongi.” I said. I started treating Koroko.
I started cleaning the wounds. “OOWWWW! It HURTS!” “STOP WHINING!” we both yelled him. I sighed and continued to clean the wounds. “This is deep… It didn’t go through, so the bullets must still be in there. I’ll be right back…” I went and got the tweezers and stuff. I came back. After the wound was clean enough, I found the bullets, in all wounds. I was surprised. There were two, plus some beebees. I got the beebees out with no problem. (The beebees were in the shoulder.)
The bullets, which were in his leg, were a bit difficult to get out. Koroko was asleep. That was good, because this would hurt. It was like doing surgery. I got them out, it looked painful. I cleaned the wounds again. I assumed Koroko would stay there all night. I went to Kizaro. I started the inspection. He had a deep scratch on his face, a few others on his face, a minor bullet wound, and some other minor wounds.
“Oh my…” I said. “Do you want me to treat these?” “Sure…” he replied. I cleaned the scratch on his face first. He winced. That’s it, no complaining. I put medicated cream on the wounds after I cleaned them. “Thanks.” He said. “You guys are stayin’ for a day or two. I don’t have school.” I told Kisaro. He nodded.
Koroko was still passed out on the sofa. I covered him with a blanket. “Kizaro come here.” I said. “Okay.” “This is where you’ll be sleeping.” “Thank you.”
“Here’s the bathroom, my room, laundry room, and what not.” “Thank you.” “You don’t say much…” I stated. He shook his head. “Well good night!” I said. “Good night.” Koroko was sleepin like a rock man! O_o I went to bed. The next morning, I woke up.
I went out to the living room. Koroko was still asleep. “Wow… He sleeps a lot…” I stated. “He must’ve been tired.” Kizaro was behind me. “Indeed.” I replied. “Do you want breakfast?” “Sure Please.” He replied. He definitely had manners. “What’cha want?” I asked. “What do you have?” “Ummm… Bacon, eggs, bread, fruit, ramen, rice, noodles, cereal, and some other stuff.” I told him. “Bread please.” “Oh oh oh oh oh! Rice please!” Koroko said a bit tired.
“WHAT?!? When did you wake up?!?!?!?” I yelled. “Just now.”……”You announce when you wake up!” I yelled again. He’s like a little kid! Kizaro went up to him and knocked him in the head. “Owww…” Koroko complained. He got up and nearly fell. He caught himself and balanced on a chair. “You have a sprained ankle…” I said.
“Lemme see that.” He sat down and put his foot down while Kisaro cooked breakfast. “Hmmm… I think I can just bandage it up, with something to support it. And you’ll need crunches.” I told them. “Are you a doctor or something?” Koroko asked. "No... I'm just barely 15!" I answered. "Oh realleh?" "Ja Realleh." I bandaged up his ankle, and got him some crunches.
“Hey! It just occurred to me! Where are your parents?” Koroko asked. “Not here…” I answered. “At work? Somewhere else?” Kisaro asked. “Somewhere else…” “Do you live with them?” “No…” “Do you live alone?” “Yes…” “Where do your parents live?” “I wish they did…” “Oh my gosh!” “We’re so sorry...” “Don’t be. It’s not like it’s your fault or anything. And we’re not even friends.” I told them. Koroko looked sadly at me. “Don’t look at me like that! It’s sad…” I said.
“Mean while, can we discuss this over breakfast?” Kisaro asked. “They left me a large sum of money. So I can take care of myself.” I told them. “Isn’t it lonely?” Koroko asked. “Ya… But I survive” “Don’t you have any friends?” “Not really… I’m not very social.” “Really?” Kisaro asked. “Wow…” Koroko remarked. “Do you guys live around here?” I asked. They froze up. “Umm… Well…” “No. We just came by here.” Kisaro said. “Oh… I was wondering why I had never seen you before…” I thought out loud.
“So what was with the giant robot thingy?” they froze again. “Ummm…” Koroko tried to say. “It was an evil thing disturbing the peace. If we didn’t destroy it< it would have caused havoc. And people would have died.” Kisaro explained. “Oohh… That makes sense.” I said. And so it was time for breakfast.
We ate breakfast and talked. It was almost like we were … friends… I shook the thought from my head. I knew I would miss them when they left. It would be empty. Days past, and Kisaro and Koroko’s wounds healed. Plus Koroko’s ankle got better. We went to the park and sat in my spot somedays.
had fun. But we all knew they had to leave soon. One morning, when I woke up, they were gone. I checked their rooms, they were definitely gone. When I got to the kitchen, there was a note on the table. This is what it said:
“Dear Lulu, thank you so much for your hospitality. We don’t know what would have happened if you hadn’t been there. We’ll send money to pay you back. Kisaro says you wouldn’t have accepted it, but you must. Sorry we couldn’t say good bye. In person, but I could have stood to see you cry. I probably would have stayed even longer. Heh… We’d already stayed longer than we should have.”
“Sorry… Our commander is going to be mad at us… especially for making contact with public…” Kisaro’s said. “We will surely miss you. We both know you will miss us.” The rest said. “Maybe we’ll meet again! Be good!” Koroko added. “Kisaro Zakaso & Koroko Tekuro P.S: Hope you like the gift! ^w^”
Oi… I would miss them… There was a box on the table. It was small. I picked it up and opened it. Inside was a necklace with 2 pendants. Silver chain, a silver hearts encrusted with sapphires, and a silver star encrusted with diamonds. It was beautiful. I put it on, and I felt a shock I my brain. “Sedduhwha?” I said out loud. I turned the pendants over in my hand. There was something inscribed.
“Stay true to yourself. Never change.” Random… The following week, I went back to school. A total of 3 weeks past. That’s where I am in my life, currently. Now I’m waking up one random, Wednesday morning. Now I’m going to try my best to tell it in present tense. I’m walking to school, because I don’t feel like taking the bus and I can’t drive. Oy…
Tis not too long a walk. I get to class. “I still can’t get over the fact that those trees fell! That’s never happened!” some random girl said. “I know and---“ I drowned out their conversation. I ate a cookie I had bought earlier. “Hey did you hear about the two new students?” Twas rare that we got new students. It’s a small town. “What class are they in?” “1C!” That’s my class... “They’re both male!” Great… Just what we needed. Two more noobs to add to the collection…
“They’re both cute!” “One’s blonde and the other’s brunette!” Oy… This is sure going to do two things. One, make the fangirls, or just normal girls, crazy and loud. Two, make me miserable and troubled. I was walking with my head down. “There they are!” I must have past them, and they didn’t notice me. A win-win. I went to class. I sat in my seat. It’s still a little bit ‘til class starts. Hopefully, neither of the students was going to sit near me. I was in deep thought for the rest of the time ‘til class. “Excuse me. Do you have a pencil I would borrow?” some dude asked. “Oh! Sure!” I replied. “Thanks.” The fangirls were squealing. They must be entering the room. Or something… Eh… I thought for a second. That voice that asked for a pencil as familiar.
Maybe I had had him as a lab partner or something. This part of class was over. Time for lunch. I was walking in the hall, head down. Out of nowhere, I bumped into someone and dropped my stuff. “Oh my gosh! Are you okay? I’m so sorry!” he said. “Ya… Tis alright…” I picked up my stuff and he helped me. It was one of the new people. I looked up at the person. I stopped.
“Here’s your stuff. I’m really sorry!” I sat there, frozen. “Are you okay?” he asked. “K-K-Ko-“I stuttered. “Koroko!!! “I exclaimed, so surprised. I collapsed, and Koroko caught me. I quickly hugged him. “What are you doing here?!?!?!?” I shouted. “Don’t speak to him like that! He was kind enough to help you with your stuff and apologize!” a fangirl said, and a bunch agreed. “Come on! We’ll be late for lunch!” Koroko said. “Why don’t you sit with me?” I nodded excitedly. “Good! Lets go! Kisaro will be there!” he said. We sat under a tree. “Kisaro!” I ran over to him a quick hug. “What are you guys doing here?” I asked. “That is classified information.” Kizaro answered. “Mmhmm… That somehow has to do with me?” “That is also classified information.”

- Title: Crossfire
- Artist: lulu1377
- Description: My story that has yet to pick up... the bit i have typed is here... I hope you enjoy. Thanks for reading
- Date: 02/05/2010
- Tags: crossfire
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Comments (2 Comments)
- lulu1377 - 03/17/2010
- Thanks! Ideally I wanted most of it to take place on a small remote island... It starts in America
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- zetsura - 02/15/2010
- Wow. It's pretty good. You could use a lot of editing with grammar and organization, but other than that, it's amazing! Great story line too. Is this supposed to take place in Japan or something?
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