Chapter one: Night time Crow New student
It was night time, as a young black haired girl walking down the streets and into the park, with her fellow friend, a small black crow.
Nathin walked along the streets of the nearby school, wondering what was the point of being here... He walked around a corner and shrugged seeing only a few people on the street.
The crow let out a shierk of its cries, as they walked pass couples int he park. They reach the gates, and ontot he streets, crossing the sidwalks. The crow tilts its head back sideways looking around, as it peak her head. She sighed, and frown " Stop it Hiroshu." She muttered softly as they reach the otehr sidewalk. and turn into a corner.
Nathin continued to walk along the streets, he sighed to himself and stopped... He leaned against the building he was next to and reached into his pocket, pulling out a set of headphones. He pulled out an iPod next and moved it to 'Teenagers' by My Chemical Romance
Aish addicently bump into a guy, who m had white hair, she though it was a old man, but she was wrong as she looked up, thankful that the ipod he was holding didn't drop. " Sorry..." She muttered and quickly pass him, Hiroshu, the crow turning its head to look at him as they walked qucikly down the streets.
Nathin looked up at the girl and glared at the crow. He didn't really do much more as he continued to listen to his iPod. He continued leaning against the wall and sighed to himself... He began to sing along softly as the music started. "They're gonna clean up your looks with all the lies in the books, to make a citizen out of you..."
within an hour Aish had reach the girl dormatory, she waltz up the stairs and down the hallways, reaching her dorm room, and walked in, thankful for she did not have a roommate.
Nathin began to walk back to the school, his newest hideout, he had joined only a day before so he was still getting classes and all... It was also a good place to get fresh blood, very easy...
She closed her door, and locked it. Taking her uniform off and settingit aside as she pick her bedding clothes up from her bed, putting them on, and layign down, Hiroshu the crow flew to its cage, and nested down for the night.
Nathin went into the boy's dorm and went to his private room. He entered it and locked the door behind him, making sure no one could enter his room... He sighed softly and then laid down on the bed, waiting for the day to start...
She woken up, and quickly took a shower, brush her hair and teeth, putting her uniform,shoes and socks n, and flew out the door with Hiroshu flying behind her as they both ran out the dormatory doors. and onto the o=courtyard sidewalks.
Nathin stood up when he thought it was about time for students to be getting up... He got redressed, in clothes similar to the uniform, but different colors then normal.
Aish and Hirshu had reach the cafeteria, sitting down in the corner of the common room, eating silently. While students all the more stared at them. whispering.
Nathin went to the cafeteria and sat down in a far off table where no one was sitting, wondering what thsi school was like...
She lifted her head up to see the same boy from last night at the table on the other end of the commons. She frown, and looked down at her tray, pushign her food around with the fork. Hiroshu let out a sherik having few of the females students scream. She smiled softly. " chicken shits..." She muttered.
Nathin sat there and looked up at the loud bird then sighed to himself. He saw the girl from the night before and shook his head a bit... "Should have known..." He muttered as a few jock like people came over to his table, the leader telling him to move... Nathin shook his head and stayed where he was, angering the jocks...
Aish gotten up and threw her food away not really eaten anything. Hiroshu poke her head with his beal and motion with his wings towards the white haird boy being picked on by the jocks. she frown. " Hiroshu...." she whispers, as he flew from her shouldeer, and enlarge him to the size of a parrot. and sheirk loudly poking the jocks head, as they ran, scremaing like girls. He soon flew back to Aish, her hair whip sligghtly around her as he settled onto her shoulders. as she stared at him.
Nathin sighed when the leader swung a large fist at him... He caught it watching as one of the jocks getting attacked... He laughed and twisted it to the side, with a sickening snapping sound... "Done yet?"
One of the jocks cried. aish walked over and stared at them. " John, David, Kyle. Report to the office. you'll be suspended for a week..." She muttered, as a few other jocks came over and help the wounded ones up walkign away while uttering colorful words. Hiroshu, the crow, sherik. She looked up to the white haired boy and turn around walking away.
Nathin looked at the girl and sighed slightly... "Suspended? That'll teach them a lesson." He said to her a bit sarcastic, knowing that the jocks wouldn't change after one week of being out of school.
She stopped and looked back at him. " They do it again, they'll be expelled...See ya later..new kid." She looked forward, and continued walking off. and throught the doors. leaving the students to gossip. " there she goes again. " A blonde girl muttered." She scares me." Whimpers a boy.
Nathin smiled and looked after her, shaking hsi head looking over at the two talking... "Really? She doesn't seem that bad." He said to them and then leaned back to wait some more...
" you don't know her like we do, her father runs the school!" She blonde replied. " And she strong, she basicially over-rules everyone if they start a fight. She nice and all, but theres soemthing with her thats ain't right." The brown haired boy, who whimpers, spoken up.
Nathin shrugged nad looked at the two of them... "That's nothing, if you didn't notice I broke an arm with one hand..." He said laughing then stood up and left the cafeteria.
They looked in shock as they watch him left. " He's like her..only weirder!" The blonde exclaim. the boy nodded in agreement. With Aish. She sat on a tree branch, looking at the sky, watching Hiroshu, flying around with others of his kind. She sighed deeply and closed her dark blue eyes.
Nathin went to the tree without a noise and ended up on the branch above her, then hung down in front of her... "I saw you last night." He said to her rather loudly... He didn't care who heard him, he just saw her walking around...
" WHAT THE ********!!! " She yelled as she hled onto the branch, glaring at him. " Don't do that!" She hissed darkly towards him. Her hair falling into her eyes. " Yeah..what of it?" she rudenly pointed out as other bgun whispering. looking and walking away as they did so.
Nathin laughed and looked at her, shaking his head a bit... "Nothing, just thought I'd say hi." He said to her laughing a bit to himself, seeing that she wasn't happy with him... He moved closer then pulled himself up to his branch...
" yeah, well hi." She growled, and jump off the branching landing onto the ground. " Hiroshu! " She yelled as the crow flew down from the skies and onto her shoulders. She walked away, with a dark frown of her lips. Her dark blue eyes in fury form anger
Nathin laughed to himself and sat there, shrugging a bit more then closing his eyes, as if asleep up in the tree.
"dirt, sneaky, nastard." She muttered as she reach her english class. Sitting down way in the back of the desks. And looked out the window, glaring to the outside
Nathin opened his eyes and laughed a bit, seeing the girl in a window... He just waved to her from his perch...
She jolted and filp him off, standing up she shut the blinding folds. and sat back down.
Nathin laughed to himself and just sat there, watching as she closed them... A few minutes later a different student opened the shades...
She stared straight ahead. with a frown. As class begun for third years students. " Vouz, connard." She sighed.
Nathin laughed and watched the class from the tree, he didn't have classes yet and he could live with just watching them...
"Hiroshu..." she muttered as the crow flew out the open window and into the skies. She looked down at her desk and started takign notes.
Nathin smiled and looked at her then shrugged a bit watching her bird fly around the skies... He soon got bored of it then looked back at the girl...
She tilted her head down, allowing her hair to hide the left side of her face. As she facil expressions relaxed. She looked up to the board and down at her notes checking them to make sure they were right.
nathin smiled and looked at the girl and wondered how she is feeling. He watched her softly then sighed to himself, he was wondering why he was watching this human girl.
She laid back into her chair, waiting for the next notes. And closed her eyes. ' He still staring at me...' she though as she frown. as she open her eyes and moved slightly in her chair, feeling uncomfortable Yet very tired.
Nathin smiled and looked at her watching her carefully, wondering what she was feeling... He could tell she was uncomfortable, she was shifting a bit and that made him know she was uncomfortable...
Hiroshu, flew back intot he classrrom, as few students look her way and went back to the notes. He settled onto her shoulders and nuzzled his head again her cheek. She smile lightly and pat his head. Writing down more of the notes. She looked sideways to catch the white haired boy looking towards her. She looked away and continued her writing.
Interesting Faults
Vixen Aishlynn
Nathin Weller and Aishura Amanzo were different beings. One human with abilities and a crow for a brother. The other a Vampire. So why does Nathin find this...Girl to be soooo interesting?'
(forgive me if I spell badly )
http://media.photobucket.com/image/anime black haired girl/PurePearlHeart/AnimeGirl23.jpg?o=22
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