The Mystery That Will Never be Solved
By 94snowflake
Chapter 1
The Players
It was a Sunday morning for Yotsuba Green in England. She was a sixteen-year-old lady who adored solving mysteries she was always the best on solving puzzles. As she pulled herself out of bed and brushed her teeth she heard the doorbell ring.
“That’s odd,” thought Yotsuba as she gurgled. “Who could that be?” Yotsuba went down the stairs and walked toward the door. She looked through the peephole. No one was there. She opened the door and felt a gust of air go past her. He light brown hair was dancing with the wind as it entered her house. As she opened her blue eyes she was smacked in the face by an oversized brown envelope.
“Ugh,” she groaned. As she detached the envelope from her face she noticed that it was addressed to her. She looked around. “No one’s here. What is doing here? It’s Sunday, there is no mail on Sunday,” she thought. She took one last look around her house. Nothing. She placed the oversized envelope on her kitchen table and prepared herself some tea. “ What if this is a trap of some sort,” thought Yotsuba. She picked up the envelope and felt how much it weighed. “Not much weight. There could just be a piece of paper in here,” thought Yotsuba. She smelled it then flattened it with her hand. “Yup I deduct that by the size and weight of this envelope, the smell, and the suppression that this envelope is okay to open.” As she opened the envelope she saw a very fancy invitation. It said:
We are pleased to announce our annual and exclusive party for young and well-known detectives.
Ms. Yotsuba Green
You are formally invited to attend this wondrous event with five other young detectives.
Enclosed in this letter is a ticket to the United States in New York where you’ll compete with the best of the best detectives from all around the world.
Hopefully you’ll be able to attend.
Have a nice day.
“This is the most extraordinary thing that happened to me!!!” screamed Yotsuba jumping up and down. “Not only I am invited to go to this exclusive party but also I get to go to New York!!!” She looked at the ticket. “The plane departs tomorrow!!!” cried Yotsuba. She ran upstairs to unpack.
It was morning in Africa as Abassi Tabor woke up one morning from his little hut he heard a helicopter fly overhead. He ran out of the hut and looked outside. He watched as the helicopter landed in front of his hut almost blowing the hut away. He picked up his spear and waited for the driver to come out.
“Mr. Abassi Tabor…” said the man as he stopped himself and noticed that Abassi was just a young man that was sixteen years old. He was dressed in his native clothing and had dark brown eyes and was very muscular.
“Yes it is I. May I help you?” asked Abassi staring at the man.
“Well yes this is for you I have no idea who it is from but I am suppose to take you to New York tomorrow,” said the driver as he handed him the envelope.
“ Can you read to me?” asked Abassi. “ I am not accustomed to American handwriting,” said Abassi handing him the envelope so the man can open and read aloud. The man cleared his throat. “We are pleased to announce our annual and exclusive party for young and well-known detectives. Mr. Abassi Tabor, you are formally invited to attend this wondrous event with five other young detectives. We have sent you this man to bring you to the United States in New York where you’ll compete with the best of the best detectives from all around the world. Hopefully you’ll be able to attend. Have a nice day,” the man closed the envelope and asked, “Will you attend?”
Abassi pondered for a moment. “Yes I attend. If reward I help my people,” replied Abassi.
“ By the way congratulations,” said the man holding out his hand.
“ Thank you,” Abassi responded. “ Who is it from?” asked Abassi.
The man looked around the envelope. “It doesn’t say,” responded the man.
“ Who hire you to come here?” asked Abassi.
“I don’t know I just do my job sorry son,” responded the man.
“ Thank you,” responded Abassi. “How does person know me? I am only famous for my skills from within my village. I must go. It be rude to not attend after he send helicopter. The only thing I good at is herbs,” thought Abassi as he headed into his hut and packed up his things.
In Mexico in an anthropology lab a teenager named Diana Cruz was hard at work analyzing bones. She was an assistant that solved minor mysteries.
“ Hey Diana there’s mail for you” said her boss.
“ Thanks,” said Diana as her boss handed her the envelope. She slowly opened the envelope and read what was inside. She felt confused. She solved minor cases and was mentioned once or twice in the newspaper, why would she be invited to such an event? She noticed the ticket and the flight was leaving tomorrow. She ran to her boss’s office.
“Excuse me, Ms. Mack,” said Diana peeking her head through a crack in her door.
“Yes Diana?” asked Ms. Mack typing on her computer.
“May I have a week or two off?” asked Diana.
“Of course. I’ve been telling you for a long time that you need a break. Come back in two weeks though or else I won’t let you work here anymore,” smiled Ms. Mack.
“Thank you,” said Diana as she left her office and headed for home to pack up. As she headed for home she looked at her compact mirror. All she saw was her wavy long hair tied in a ponytail, brown eyes, glasses and that was it. She looked at her clothes through a store window. Plain clothes. She shrugged. “Why would they want? All I see is plain old me. I don’t think I’ll be equal to all the other detectives there. They’ll over power me with their skills. I never even thought I was considered as one. When I get to New York I’ll find out,” thought Diana.
In Poland a boy named Tomas Fig was rushing to school.
“Sorry mother but I am late,” said Tomas as he jumped on his bike. Thomas was a great leader and people could always depend on him and he would never let them down. “I’m going to be late. I’m going to be late. Can’t let the team down,” thought Thomas pedaling as fast as he could.
“Sorry that I am late guys,” said Thomas as he came through the doors.
“ It’s Thomas!!!” cried the teammates as they high-fived him when Thomas came in. Thomas came in and high-fived his team back.
“Yeah. I’m here everyone. Now lets practice so we can win!!!” cried Thomas. All the teammates roared to support Thomas. Thomas was the best basketball player in the whole school and the most popular. “Hey team I’m taking five,” said Thomas.
“Ok buddy,” said one of the teammates. Thomas left to go to the locker room as he ran his fingers through his blond hair. As he opened his locker a big envelope fell out.
“What’s this?” Thomas thought as he picked up the large envelope. He examined the enveloped and then open it and read what was inside. “Whoa. Is this because I solved that case on the bank? I really didn’t even do anything. I was just in the right place at the right time. Should I even go at all?” Thomas thought.
“Hey Fig come here,” bellowed the coach. Thomas raced over to see the coach.
“ Yes coach,” said Thomas.
“ I was wondering you’ve done a lot for the team I think you should have a week or two off,” said the coach.
“What but coach I…”
“ Don’t ‘But coach’ me son. The team needs to learn how to stand up on their feet,” said the coach. “ Is that clear?”
“Yes sir,” replied Thomas. He headed back to the locker room and looked at the plane ticket. “ It takes off tomorrow. Oh well at least I have a couple of weeks off might as well go. It is a trip to New York after all,” thought Thomas as he headed home.
In China a boy named Tung Xie started to fence against his one of his classmates. The person seemed terrified. Tung made an attempt to hit but his opponent froze and Tung won. His classmates were just staring at him. Everyone was scared of Tung after all he did take down a robber a couple of times.
“Tung your dismissed early,” said his Sensei. Tung bowed at his master and left. As he left he heard kids saying, “Look at him he’s a freak.” “No wonder I bet he would get a girl easily if he wasn’t so buff.” “I heard that he beats up kids for fun.” He ignored them as he opened the door to the temple an arrow hit the door.
“What is this?” He wondered. He pulled the arrow from the door and saw that there was an invitation and a ticket to the United States in New York. “What’s the point in going? I have to take care of uncle now,” thought Tung. When he arrived home his uncle greeted him.
“Hi there nephew,” said his uncle as he bowed. “Welcome home.”
“It’s good to be home uncle,” responded Tung.
“What is that you have my nephew?” asked his uncle pointing to the bow.
“Oh I found it by the temple. It was good that it didn’t hit me. It had an invitation,” said Tung.
“An invitation to what?” asked his Uncle.
“To some kind of place for detectives in New York,” replied Tung.
“Are you going to go Nephew?” asked his uncle.
“Uncle I am not a detective. Why should I even go?’ asked Tung.
“Well it’s not everyday you go to a party for detectives. And not everyday an invitation gets delivered by an arrow,” said his uncle.
“But still I’m not a detective,” replied Tung.
“Things happen for a reason nephew,” said his uncle.
“You just want me out of the house?” asked Tung.
“Yes,” he smiled.
“Fine I’ll go,” said Tung.
“Good,” said his uncle. “ My nephew before you go tomorrow I want to tell you how much you’ve grown. I remember when you were about two years old you were so playful and always smiling. But when you grew up that smile went away and so did that playfulness.” As his uncle looked into Tung’s brown eyes he said, ”But you’ll always be in my heart, no matter what,” smiled his uncle as he patted Tung’s spiky hair. “Now get ready you have a plane to catch,” said his uncle. Tung bowed and got ready to pack up.
In Australia there was a girl sitting all by herself. She was in a very badly lighted room. She sat on her chair with her tarot cards. She flipped over the cards. “The Fool,” she thought. “I will accomplish something but what? Three of swords… Am I going to meet someone who I’ll care about? The Star… I will find my way through what will come through for me in the future,” she thought. “I Lila Park will accomplish what is in store for me,” said Lila.
“Honey mail,” said her mother as she slid the mail under her bedroom door. Lila got up and walked toward the door.
“My quest is about to begin,” thought Lila as she opened the invitation and read it. “Interesting. My numerous cases that have been solved my cards foretold me what would happen now. I will go to New York and follow my destiny,” she thought as she looked at the plane ticket. “The future is impatience and is ready to catch up to me,” thought Lila.
“Mother, I’m going on a trip for a while,” she told her mother.
“Where to?” asked her mother as she finished reading the rest of the mail.
“New York,” she responded looking at the ticket.
“Oh that’s great, sweetie!!! Let me guess you have to go by yourself. Don’t worry I understand just call me every night? Okay?” asked her mother.
“Of course mother,” responded Lila as she headed to her room to pack up for tomorrow’s trip.
“When is it?” asked her mother.
“Tomorrow,” responded Lila without looking back.
“Oh so soon? Ok, I can’t believe your already going places by yourself,” said her mother.
“I’ve always have,” responded Lila entering her room.
Chapter 2
The beginning of a mystery
As the plane landed and Yotsuba got out of the plane she looked around, then at the invitation. “There’s no indication of where to go,” thought Yotsuba. As she stepped off she saw an invitation fall in front of her that was exactly the same as hers. “Where did this come from?” As she looked overhead she saw an airplane land. As it landed a handsome guy came out with native clothes.
“Sorry to intrude madam,” said the guy. “That’s my invite,” he said as he held out his hand.
“What’s your name?” asked Yotsuba.
“My name is Abassi Tabor,” said Abassi still holding his hand out. Yotsuba handed him the invite.
“I guess you’re invited as well,” said Yotsuba.
“You go here too?” asked Abassi holding the invite.
“Yes, my name is Yotsuba Green,” she said handing out her hand.
“Well you know me,” said Abassi shaking her hand. “Do you know the other four people who have been invited?” asked Abassi.
“No I don’t,” replied Yotsuba. “You want to go inside and see maybe whoever invited us is waiting for us inside,” suggested Yotsuba.
“Yes, let me get my bags,” said Abassi as he went to grab it. As Abassi looked back he saw that Yotsuba had very good posture and very punctual as well. As he joined with Yotsuba and went inside. “Do you think they’ll be a car for us?” asked Abassi.
“I’m not sure,” said Yotsuba. “The invitation didn’t say specifically.” As they were walking out from the terminal they got knocked over by a girl.
“You have to help me there are guys after me,” she said hesitating. As they looked beyond her there was a whole gang.
“Hey look more people to get money,” said one that seemed like the leader. They approached the three of them and then another person came in front of them.
“Hey what are you doing?” demanded the boy.
“Money, that’s it,” said the leader.
“Don’t worry I won’t let them get you guys,” he whispered to them. “Get out of here before I have to hurt you. They gang chuckled.
“What are you going to do?” asked the girl.
“Scare them,” whispered the boy. But his threat didn’t effect the gang they started charging in. “Crap,” the boy flinched and another boy jumped in with a epee and defended the group of people. The gang got scared and ran off.
“Hey I have the same invite,” said the boy who flinched as he looked in the boy’s pocket.
“You have the same invite?” asked the boy with the epee as he pulled it out of his pocket.
“Hey I have the same one,” cried the girl.
“Us too,” said Abassi.
“My name is Tung Xie,” said Tung as he took a bow. The others bowed back.
“My name is Thomas Fig,” said Thomas.
“I’m Diana Cruz,” said Diana.
“My name is Abassi Tabor, and this is Yotsuba Green,” said Abassi as Yotsuba waved.
“So this is five where’s number six?” asked Yotsuba.
“Not sure,” said Thomas as he looked at Tung. He was facing his back toward them and had some other weapons with him.
“Let’s go inside, it’s chilly out here,” suggested Diana holding herself. They all headed inside. Diana noticed that they all weren’t talking to each other. “So…” she said trying to break the awkward silence. “Where are all of you from?” asked Diana.
“England,” replied Yotsuba smiling.
“Africa,” said Abassi looking back at Diana.
“China,” said Tung still looking ahead.
“Poland, you?” asked Thomas.
“Mexico,” replied Diana.
“Australia,” replied a girl that was dressed in black that was sitting at a table as they were passing by. On the table there were tarot cards and the same invitation as them. “My name is Lila Summit.”
“Oh so your in this weird event too?” asked Thomas. Lila just stared at the tall buff boy.
“Yes,” she responded as she gathered up her cards. Then an eerie sound came around them.
“Ms. Diana Cruz, Ms. Yotsuba Green, Mr. Thomas Fig, Ms. Lila Summit, Mr. Abassi Tabor, and Mr. Tung Xie welcome to New York.” Said the eerie voice. The detectives looked around; there wasn’t anyone around them but a vacant cafeteria. “ Don’t be alarmed. My name is Pora. Go outside and into the woods by the red flag,” said the eerie voice, and then it disappeared.
“Let’s go,” said Lila not being effected by the eerie voice guiding them outside.
“Aren’t you scared?” asked Diana. As Lila turned back to answer she noticed she looked very regular. There was nothing unique about her.
“There is nothing scary,” said Lila as she turned back her dark cape flowed.
“Maybe it’s the spirit calling us,” said Abassi.
“Abassi, why would they call us?” asked Yotsuba looking at him.
“I don’t know if is or isn’t, whatever it is it’s not safe,” said Tung looking around.
“Maybe we should rethink this,” said Thomas.
“What is there to rethink? We’re here,” said Lila turning around. Then out of nowhere a fog came in.
“What’s happening?” asked Diana.
“Hold hands we can’t be separated,” said Thomas as everyone held each other’s hands. Then a big gust of wind came and they disappeared. Everyone was taken to another place. Everyone looked around the forest was gone and there was sand surrounding them.
Chapter 3
Where are we?
“Is everyone okay?” asked Abassi.
“Yea, we’re all ok,” replied Thomas.
“No we’re not,” yelled Tung. “Look at where we are in the middle of nowhere.”
“Look there,” said Yotsuba pointing at a weird pyramid.
“Since when are there pyramids in New York?” asked Diana.
“Never because we’re not in New York,” said Lila with a smile.
“Why are you so happy?” asked Tung.
“Because my destiny is falling into place,” said Lila.
“RAARRWW!!” yelled something.
“It came from down there,” said Abassi pointing down the sand dune. “Stay low.” As they looked below there were two groups of people.
“Looks like they’re were going to war,” said Yotsuba. The two sides started going toward each other.
“Who are you?” asked a girl behind them she was very young and was carrying a baby.
“We were just passing by,” said Tung.
“Well get out of the way you, can’t be-“ the girl stopped and fell to the ground. When she fell there was an arrow on her back. The man who shot her took out another one and aimed it at Tung. Tung took out his epee and charged. The man shot the arrow but Tung cut right through it and killed the man.
“What are you doing?” asked Thomas running after Tung.
“He was going to shoot us,” said Tung.
“It doesn’t give you the right to kill him,” said Thomas. Then they heard the baby crying. Abassi came over and flipped the young girl over.
Diana came over and checked her pulse. “She’s dead,” said Diana. The baby was still crying. Yotsuba picked the baby up.
“Well what do we do?” asked Yotsuba calming the baby down.
“Go to the pyramid,” said an eerie voice again.
“That pyramid,” said Lila pointing toward the pyramid.
“Should we? I mean it could be a trap,” said Thomas.
“I don’t think so,” said Tung removing the arrow from the girl. “It’s the same arrow that was shot at my temple.”
“So?” asked Abassi.
“Whoever sent us here can send us back,” said Yotsuba.
“Right,” said Tung. He observed the man’s arrow. “The arrow does not belong to the man. His arrows are different.”
“Let’s go to the pyramids and find out,” said Lila.
“Are you crazy there is a war going on down there,” said Thomas.
“So? We can make it,” said Lila.
“We can if we go around the sand dunes,” said Abassi pointing toward the sand dunes.
“Let’s go I want to find a way home,” said Yotsuba carrying the baby.
“What will we do with the baby?” asked Abassi.
“We’ll take it with us. We might find another home for it. Lila give me your cloak,” said Yotsuba. Lila handed her cloak over and Yotsuba made a little bag to carry the baby in.
“Can we go now?” asked Tung. “You know before we’re targeted again?”
“Let’s go lead the way Abassi,” said Thomas. Abassi nodded and they mad their way toward the pyramid.
Chapter 4
As they approached the pyramid and saw how big it was.
“Does anyone know what a pyramid looks like inside?” asked Thomas. Everyone shook their head. “So how are we going to get through that?” asked Thomas. Just then a group of people came behind them.
“What are you doing here?” asked the man as he pulled out a spear like weapon.
“We’re just lost said Yotsuba turning her back so the baby would be safe.
“Which side are you on?” asked the man coming closer.
“Yours?” said Diana with an ounce of fear in her voice.
“Attack the trespassers,” said the man. The rest of the group pulled out spears and came toward them.
“Run inside,” said Tung as he pulled out his epee. “I’ll hold them off.” They obeyed Tung and ran inside. When Yotsuba ran inside she stepped on something.
“Oops,” she said. “I think I stepped on a booby-trap.” As she said that the door to the pyramid started to come down. They were all inside except Tung.
“Tung get in,” said Thomas.
“I can’t if I run they’ll come into,” said Tung as he fought harder. The door came just above Thomas’s head.
“Let’s go,” said Thomas. Just then two people came past Tung. Thomas picked up a rock and so did Abassi and threw it right on the men’s face. The door was up to Thomas’s knee. “Now!!” yelled Thomas. Tung nodded and ran toward the pyramid and slid right under the closing door.
“That was close,” said Tung getting up. The pyramid was dark.
“Try coming closer together so we can see each other,” said Abassi. They heard their footsteps come closer together.
“Are we all here?” asked Thomas. “Yotsuba?”
“Here,” said Yotsuba.
“Abassi?” asked Thomas.
“Here,” replied Abassi.
“Lila?” asked Thomas.
“Here,” said Lila.
“Tung?” asked Thomas.
“Here,” responded Tung.
“Diana?” asked Thomas.
“Here,” said Diana.
“Okay, we’re all here,” said Thomas.
“Now what?” asked Abassi.
“Maybe there’s another booby-trap,” said Yotsuba stepping around until she stepped on a switch and an array of lights lit up. “I have good luck with these booby-traps. Besides the last one,” remarked Yotsuba.
“Maybe we should walk inside,” said Diana pointing down the corridor.
“Yea there’s no point in staying here,” said Tung.
“Fine I’ll lead the way,” said Thomas picking up a piece of wood and lighting it on fire. As he lead the way Yotsuba stood in front of Thomas.
“What if there are more booby-traps?” asked Yotsuba.
“Good point,” said Abassi looking at the pyramid.
“Go through the pyramid to the top of the pyramid. There are traps everywhere. Either stay here and die or take a chance to make it out alive. All who passed here have perished only one person got close and had one puzzle but didn’t make it. If you want you escape find the golden crypt on the top of the pyramid. You have been warned,” said an eerie voice as it died down.
“I say we just go to the top. Do you guys agree?” asked Thomas. They all nodded. “Good.” Thomas led them down the corridor. Then he stopped.
“Why did you stop?” asked Abassi.
“Look,” said Thomas pointing at the dead bodies.
Chapter 5
The Traps
“What kind of trap do you think it is?” asked Yotsuba.
“I don’t know,” said Thomas.
“I think I can be able to figure it out,” said Diana. They all turned to look at Diana.
“How?” asked Abassi.
“Well… If we can bring one of the bodies here I can figure out how they died and probably we can see if we can avoid the trap,” said Diana.
“That seems like a good idea,” said Tung. “I’ll drag the bodies with my epee,” he said as he reached out to get the nearest body. He then dragged it toward himself. “There.”
Diana came closer and took out some gloves. She looked at it as everyone else observed her. “Well it looked like something came up from the ground and came right through them,” said Diana.
“How are we going to get over there if we can’t walk on the floor?” asked Yotsuba.
“Look up there,” said Abassi as he pointed overhead. There were thin planks sticking out from the wall that lead to the other side.
“That’s a plan,” said Thomas getting down on one knee and placing his hands in a way so Diana could go up. “Ally-oops,” said Thomas as Diana stepped on his hands and Thomas pushed. Diana grabbed the plank and swung herself.
“Yotsuba the baby,” said Diana reaching out her hand. Yotsuba handed Diana the baby and stepped on Thomas’s hand and Thomas pushed her up toward the plank. Yotsuba climbed slowly across the plank with Diana. Lila came toward Thomas and jumped off Thomas’s hand. Abassi scaled the wall to get to the plank and Tung jumped off the walls and onto the plank. Tung reached out his hand to pull Thomas up. As they all slowly crawled across the plank the plank collapsed. They all screamed and Lila let go of the plank and almost fell until Thomas grabbed her hand.
“Guys jump across,” yelled Thomas as he held on to Lila.
“Don’t let go,” said Lila staring into Thomas’s eyes.
“I promise I won’t,” said Thomas looking back at Lila but the plank had a lot of loose wood chips. As everyone jumped across the plank fell closer to the ground and triggered the booby-trap. Sharp needles came out of the ground and gashed Lila’s leg. Lila screamed and Thomas didn’t know what to do. His hand was slipping.
“Abassi catch Lila,” said Thomas. Abassi nodded his head and held out his arms. Thomas swung Lila toward Abassi and Abassi caught her. The plank started to lose strength.
“Jump you idiot!” yelled Tung. Thomas jumped and safely made it across as the plank hit the row of needles.
“Ow, my leg,” cried Lila holding her leg as it was gushing out blood.
“Here let me help you,” said Abassi examinating it, “Not that bad.” He took some green medicine and a leaf out of his bag and spread the green stuff over her wound and covered it up with the leaf. “Let’s see…” as he looked around he grabbed a vine and used the wall to get rid of the thorns and tied it to her leg. “It’ll get better.”
“Until that you should stay off the leg,” said Thomas kneeling down. “Climb onto my back.” Lila hesitated and then did what he told him to do. She was puzzled all the times she did dangerous things no one helped her until now. They usually just stared and let her be, sometimes not even offering.
“Thank you,” she said. Then the baby woke up and started crying.
“Aww look who’s awake,” said Yotsuba cradling the baby. The baby soon started too coo and playing with her hair.
“Let’s get going,” said Tung leading the way. As the other’s strolled along Diana slowed down and looked on the floor. Abassi slowed his pace.
“What’s wrong Diana?” asked Abassi. Looking worried.
“Well…” Diana never told anyone how she felt since she ran away from her drunken parents in Mexico. She decided to keep her mouth closed.
“Well, what?” asked Abassi again.
“Everyone is so special and different. Look at Tung with his martial arts, Thomas’s leadership, Yotsuba is so pretty and so smart and punctual, Lila is so confident and sure of herself and you, you’re good at helping people,” said Diana.
“Well we all have talents,” said Abassi with a smile. “You are pretty too and you did know how the people died.”
“Well it wasn’t that hard,” said Diana blushing.
“Exactly I would have never figured it out,” said Abassi.
As the baby was cradled in Yotsuba’s arms Tung asked, “Can I hold it?”
“Yeah, sure,” said Yotsuba handing the baby over to Tung. The baby cooed in his arms and he looked at Yotsuba and smiled as he held the baby in his arms.
“Umm… so you ever leave England?” asked Tung looking at Yotsuba.
“Well at times I want to,” said Yotsuba.
“Why can’t you? Your mom and dad?” asked Tung.
“Well…” Yotsuba couldn’t say what happened with her parents. Tung then noticed that it was a hard question for her to answer.
“You know my parents they work a lot to help my sick little sister,” said Tung. “She is very sick and they’re looking for a cure.”
“Oh really?” asked Yotsuba.
“Don’t tell anyone but I moved in with my uncle who actually cares about me. My parents always give their one hundred percent on her and not even one percent on me.”
“I promise I won’t,” said Yotsuba. She thought for a moment and told him, “You have to keep it a secret.”
“I swear,” said Tung holding his hand up as a pledge.
“When I was small I had everything, all the clothes I could ever ask for and I lived in Japan before,” said Yotsuba in a low voice that only Tung would hear.
“That doesn’t seem that bad,” said Tung confused as why he had to keep it a secret.
“That’s not all of it,” said Yotsuba wiggling her finger so the baby can play with it. “I found out how they got it from when I was around fifteen. I found them coming home late at night when they we’re suppose to be coming home from work. And they thought that I was out late at the library and they didn’t expect me to be home so early. And when I saw them they we’re smuggling in some paintings. Then the police came in around the corner. They arrested my parents and I was then forced into a foster home then I took all the money they hid under the bed with me and ran away from my foster home and went to England and became a part time model getting enough money to buy a small house.”
“Oh that explains a lot. So you’re a part time model?” asked Tung suddenly very interested.
“Yes, but I get enough to pay the bills,” said Yotsuba looking at the baby.
“Hey it must be lonely living by yourself.” Said Tung scratching the back of his head.
“I admit at times I am,” said Yotsuba smiling at the baby. As the group approached the end of the hallway they looked around. “It’s a dead end,” said Yotsuba.
“What is this?” asked Thomas as he picked up a cube-like item from the pedestal.
He picked up a cube-like item and the path got blocked off and the walls started closing in. “Oops.” As Thomas tried to fumble with the cube-like item he noticed. “Hey this is like a rubrics cube,” said Thomas as he turned the sides trying to make them the same color.
“Hand it over,” said Yotsuba as she gave the baby to Tung and took the puzzle from Thomas. She turned the cube and tried to solve the puzzle. “Oh no you can’t turn the side twice,” said Yotsuba fumbling with the puzzle box. The walls we’re about two feet away from closing.
“Any day now Yotsuba,” cried Diana as they made a single file trying not to get squished.
“Done,” she said with a smile and the walls stopped closing in on them and a stairway emerged. “That was a close one.”
“A bit too close,” said Thomas hyperventilating as everyone tried to breath.
“Sorry it was hard,” said Yotsuba bowing toward them.
“It’s okay we’re alive now,” said Abassi.
“Ok up we go,” said Thomas leading them up the stairs.
Chapter 6
As Thomas lead the team to the top of the stairs Abassi noticed something. “These plants are really rare,” he said as he gathered them in his medicine pouch.
“This is no time to be gathering plants,” said Thomas slamming his hand on the wall and setting off a booby-trap that made the staircase disappear. They all screamed as they landed onto something soft.
“Whew, now that was a close one,” said Yotsuba as she tried to get up.
“I don’t think so. Look around us,” said Lila standing up. They we’re in a snake chamber. “Look at all these dead skins,” said Lila picking them up. Just them they heard hissing from the tunnels. “They’re coming,” said Lila.
“Oh no,” said Thomas holding on to Lila. “Stay behind me,” said Thomas.
“Take care of the baby,” said Tung pulling out his epee protecting Yotsuba.
“Wait,” said Abassi. Then the snakes started pouring into the room like water filling a bathtub. Thomas kicked the snakes away as Thomas slashed them. Abassi used his spear and flung them off. “Stop there is too many.”
“Well we can’t just stand here,” said Thomas.
“Ugh,” Abassi groaned as he pulled out a plant from his pouch and started whistling through it. It made an irritating sound that made the snakes scatter. “You should listen to me more often,” said Abassi smiling.
“Sorry they came at me by surprise,” said Thomas chuckling as he lead them through a corridor as Abassi continued to play his plant. As they came into another chamber the door closed. “Oh great now what?” asked Thomas. The room turned dark and then there was a small little light floating in the room.
“Help us please,” it pleaded and sped off through the wall and then an object was hovering in its place.
“What is this?” asked Diana reaching out for the object. “It looks like another puzzle for Yotsuba,” she said handing the puzzle over.
“Okay,” she said handing the baby over and picking up the puzzle. She looked around the puzzle and found a small button and pressed it and it revealed a holographic screen with items.
“Always wax, yet always wane: I melt, succumbéd to the flame.
Lighting darkness, with fate unblest, I soon devolve to shapeless mess,” said the hologram.
“Great a riddle that doesn’t makes sense,” said Diana.
“Simple it’s a candle,” said Yotsuba as she clicked the candle. Everyone starred at her. “What?” she asked.
“You know what forget it, as long as we have this riddle done we’re fine,” smiled Thomas. Just then the baby started glowing. Then it took forth into a beautiful young spirit.
“Thank you for taking care of me,” said the spirit as she hovered over a casket. “I need to save my land. And you all can help,” she said pointing at Lila. “I need a reincarnation spell.”
“Easy enough,” said Lila shrugging. Just then they heard a loud noise outside the pyramid.
“They’re trying to destroy me do it now!” she bellowed.
Chapter 7
The Mystery that will Never Be Solved
Lila picked up the vase that was full of blood that was next to the casket. “Thomas, Abassi, and Tung I need you to place the casket standing in the middle of the circle,” she said while making a perfect circle on the floor. They all nodded and tried to lift the casket up and place it in the center. Just then a spear came right through the wall.
“AHH!!” screamed Diana.
“Yotsuba put the baby in front of the casket. Guys keep the attackers out,” said Lila now painting an insignia on the ground. Tung stuffed a rock into the crack in the wall.
“Any day now,” said Thomas hyperventilating.
“I’m almost done,” said Lila completing the circle. “Stand on each point and on each curve,” she said. The stood on a point or curve on the insignia on the ground.
Feel the ancient power
Make our dream
Live our love
Be the one
This is the age of renewal
The dawn of feeling
Feel the ancient power
Make our dream
Live our love
Be the one
This is the rising of starlight
The message of the Circle
Feel the ancient power
Make our dream
Live our love
Be the one
Through all time we have been her
No longer will we subjugate our will
Feel the ancient power
Make our dreams
Live our love
Be the one
This is the awakening of all ages
Where she comes into her being
She is within us
She is power
Ware her We are one
Blessed Be.
Bring life to this casket
Whom soon will become a human being
The casket and baby started glowing again and there the casket opened to reveal a goddess that with a wave of her hand knocked everybody out.
“Ugh,” groaned Thomas as he looked around. He saw Lila lying on the ground. “Lila,” he screamed in panic while flipping her over.
“What happened?” she asked trying to regain consciousness. She got up and looked around. Thomas and Yotsuba were embraced in each other’s arm while knocked out. Abassi and Diana were holding hands. “Ugh, look at the lovey-dovey people,” she commented. As she looked at Thomas.
“Oh not into the relationship thing. It’s cool,” Thomas said looking away. Then Lila did something unexpected she placed her hand on Thomas’s cheek and kissed him.
“Whoa that was unexpected,” said Tung laughing and Yotsuba were giggling.
“Oh,” said Thomas as he moved away from Lila blushing just as brightly as Thomas was.
“I think it’s sweet,” said Diana smiling at Abassi. “So what happened?”
“Not sure. We’re back in New York,” said Lila.
“Hey you kids get out of there,” bellowed a man gesturing them to come in his car. As they walked toward the man they wondered.
“What kind of mystery was that?” asked Tung.
“I am nit sure if it is a mystery,” said Thomas.
“I guess it was from the baby,” said Abassi scratching his head.
“Could be you never know,” said Diana.
“Whatever happened I hope the place we were in was safe,” said Yotsuba.
“I believe it was concluded that this mystery would never be solved,” said Lila. Everybody nodded.
Chapter 8
The Future
“Aria! Time for school,” said Yotsuba screaming for her six-year-old daughter.
“But I want to see daddy kick a**,” whined Aria as she imitated her father’s fighting moves.
“Don’t worry mommy will record it,” said Tung smiling.
“Okay daddy,” said Aria climbing into the car for school.
“Isn’t she the sweetest?” asked Yotsuba kissing Tung.
“Yup, she is the best,” said Tung smiling. “Now got to go before we’re late.”
“Okay, good luck in your fight. I’ll be there after I set up lunch,” she said as she headed toward the kitchen.
“Okay sweetie,” said Tung smiling.
“There are twenty seconds on the clock and the Panthers and the Tigers are tied twenty-eight to twenty-eight. Thomas has the ball he makes the shot and…. He got the shot!!! The Panthers won!!!” cried the announcer.
“Whoo-hoo!!! Way to go Thomas,” cheered Lila jumping on Thomas and giving him a kiss.
“Hey I do it to make you happy,” said Thomas spinning her around and around.
“So let me guess honeymoon here we come?” said Lila smiling.
“Yup honeymoon here we come,” said Thomas pulling Lila into the car and driving away.
“Hey sweetie we need some eucalyptus here,” said Diana looking at her patient’s leg.
Abassi came over and landed her the eucalyptus. “We’re doing great,” said Abassi rubbing Diana’s shoulders.
“To tell you the truth I was a bit scared coming to Africa but I am glad that I came with you,” smiled Diana as she kissed Abassi.
“I am glad you feel that way,” smiled Abassi bending down on one knee and pulling out a small fancy box. “I loved you since the day we met. And I love you. Diana, will you marry me?”
Diana started to cry. “I love you too and yes I will marry you.” She said kissing Abassi.
By Jacob Barnes
Yesterday Ying Chen discovered a pyramid by the Nile deep under ground and now he is going to tell us about its story.
“ The ruins tell us a story about six people. A Solver that solves the most complicated puzzles. A Fighter who fights for all things right. The Observer the one who will figure out everything before acting. The Healer who heals the people. The Psychic who well foretell and do what is right. Finally, The Leader who puts all the pieces into place. The rest will be deciphered later.”
That is the story that will be updated next week.
- by kusu kusu girl |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 02/02/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: The Homeowrk
- Artist: kusu kusu girl
- Description: Just need some comments. It's school homeowork. Just need to know if its good.
- Date: 02/02/2009
- Tags: homework
- Report Post
Comments (3 Comments)
- Meggie Marie - 06/30/2009
- I love it! But there are a few mistakes in it. But it's still great.
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- thelocalchristian - 04/25/2009
it's good. It gives you a suspense of what next.
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- Snicketfile2014 - 03/01/2009
- toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo long...
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