Member ☼f►GNB(Golbal Ninja Brotherhood)
►Dark Army
►Snow Wolf Pack
↕ ♥ ♪
my pool *rawr*
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this is my honor place. its wer i put important- to-me gaians or peeps who r just really nice!
Im not a boy. FAIL.
I am like a wet cat.
I may look ridiculous,
I may be scrawny,
But if you piss me off,
Prepare to be clawed.
I am a British ninja.
I'll f*cking SAS your a**.
No hard feelings ;3.
If there was such a
thing as a auto person-to-
pancake maker I would be the
first to buy it.
Song: Tantric - Fall Down
This is the
Almighty Can of Kick
a**. Don't make me open
it and Mentally Rape you.
Jacob TheShadowWolf
s c r i b b l i e s
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whats that song u said i shuld put on mah music thingy?...it was sumthing like...let me ******** you...