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Dream Avi ('s)

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In Memory~

I'm so tired of being here,
Suppressed by all my childish fears.
And if you have to leave,
I wish that you would just leave.
'Cause your presence still lingers here,
And it won't leave me alone.

These wounds won't seem to heal,
This pain is just to real.
There's just to much that time cannot erase.

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears,
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears.
And I held your hand through all of these years,
But you still have,
All of me.

You used to captivate me,
by your resonating light.
Now I'm bound by the life you left behind.
Your face it haunts,
my once pleasant dreams.
Your voice it chased away,
All the sanity in me.

These wounds won't seem to heal,
This pain is just to real.
There's just to much that time cannot erase.

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears,
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears.
And I held your hand through all of these years,
But you still have,
All of me.

I've tried so hard to tell myself that your gone.
And though you're still with me,
I've been alone all alone.

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears,
When you scream I'd fight away all of your fears.
And I held your hand through all of these years,
But you still have,
All of me.

----- My Immortal- by, Evanescence

In memory of my dearest mother~

I will always love you <3
---It was never your fault---

Send meh a Mssg!~ :3

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About Me~

Nyaa~ =^-^=
B-day ish in twenty..... one? days? 15!! w00t!! biggrin can't wait! waiting ish 2 suspensful O_O; .... gonna try 2 save up ALL meh birthday munneh for Anime North!!!! can't wait for that either O_O; GUEZZ WHO I'M BEING!!!!!!!!! XD I'm being Hunny-kun from Host Club!!~ <3 He ish sooooooo KAWAII!!~ And cuz of that, I think I could possibly cosplay as him pretty well~ :3
SO FAR.....

My avi :3

Scruffy_dog02's avatar

Last Login: 01/17/2010 6:29 pm

Gender: Female

Location: Trapped inside this painful 'thing' called reality . . .

Birthday: 09/28

Occupation: Wanderer . . . forever searching for something worth living for


View Journal

Meh life so far . . .

Sumthin' Random~ <3

Say whatever ya' want!~ <3

View All Comments

aziza XD Report | 09/29/2009 6:14 pm
aziza XD
happy b day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin
Amandalok Report | 09/27/2009 4:42 pm
HAppy BIrthday for tomorrow!!! (:
aziza XD Report | 09/04/2009 7:42 am
aziza XD
lol n YES U CAN!!!!! U CAN AND U WIIILLLLL!!!! lol (fix my msn that is lol) n yeeeeeessssssss, i will be bringing my a** up there on ur b day XD, u just gotta tell me when i should come up! mrgreen
aziza XD Report | 08/30/2009 9:25 am
aziza XD
whoops mrgreen typo =D
aziza XD Report | 08/30/2009 9:24 am
aziza XD
... -.- THAAAAAANX ur supprotive of me when im in a TIME OF NEED!!!!!! XD lol jk
aziza XD Report | 08/29/2009 10:03 am
aziza XD
omg that sounds fun XD lol, n I TRY TO GET ON MSN BUT OTS BEING A ....FAUHEWBDCUHBWDC!!!!!!!! see? my msn is making me sooo angry, i dont make sense!!!! lol mrgreen
aziza XD Report | 08/17/2009 4:21 pm
aziza XD
XD hey!!!!!! i havent talked to ya in forever!!! nm up here, u?
aziza XD Report | 08/16/2009 6:35 pm
aziza XD
aziza XD Report | 04/17/2009 2:02 pm
aziza XD
lol awww, n ya i havnt been on here for a looooooooong time lol, only recently mrgreen
aziza XD Report | 04/06/2009 5:30 pm
aziza XD

Signature~ <3

I will never let you fall,
I'll stand up with you forever~

I'll be there with you through it all,
Even if saving you sends me to heaven~

- - - - Your Gaurdian Angel~ By: Red Jumpsuit Apparatus~

Meh Music~ <3

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Be careful, I'm > > > >f r a g i l e< < < <