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xXZirkannia's avatar

Last Login: 01/25/2023 8:08 pm

Birthday: 05/04


Greetings, I am Rebecca. Most commonly known as Kanna 'round these parts of the internet.

21 years old
Born Again Christian
Jewelry Sales Associate at Walmart


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LadyCatakins Report | 05/13/2014 8:00 pm
its been changed to private D;
LadyCatakins Report | 05/07/2014 9:20 am
it sent me right to my journal o 3 o
Golden Teaspoon Report | 06/06/2013 4:51 pm
Golden Teaspoon
Hey there! I just saw your signature and thought I'd comment.

Good luck and congratulations on your upcoming wedding day!
LadyCatakins Report | 01/26/2013 10:40 pm
Yes XD my Facebook name is willow wisp
Ameixah7 Report | 12/22/2012 9:32 am
Hey, nice avatar btw, it's nicely put together. 3nodding How are you doing?
Ameixah7 Report | 12/21/2012 1:58 pm
Thanks for the tip. razz
DragonOfSangelui Report | 12/16/2012 1:15 pm
It's me an lilian.
DragonOfSangelui Report | 12/16/2012 12:51 pm
I'm alone and what was once 4-6 years now ceases to exist of interest. I'm no longer a person of worthy impression and my very attempts is fueled in malice.
I'm old news now and a washed up piece of s**t. It'll never be the same as what it used to be. My means of getting online seems pathetic now and I'm simply just a child,
hoping to gain the respect and attention from some one. That now ceases to exist. Because of my needs and wants, I believe it's my fault; I say that, only because,
I do not have the heart to rip some one else out; ironically speaking as if I haven't before.

I don't matter any more to her and the word love is just something to type. There is no say, we don't have a say, we have no communication.
My journey with some one now seems left in dust and my heart was out in the flame for too long.
She doesn't care, no matter my effort and attempt. I sit and wait at the door like a dog, a b***h, a pile of fur who's master no long cares about my bowl of water.
No, I have to bring her the newspaper first to even get my attention and daily petting. It's over and done with now Kanna... it's obvious I no longer leave a single impression of awe to her.
DragonOfSangelui Report | 12/16/2012 12:45 pm
May I help you.
eatmelikeacheesecake Report | 12/11/2012 9:27 am
Hello there! Fret not, your comment and concerns are most welcome! smile Thank you soooooo much for noticing and helping out! Do keep me in your prayers and I'll be praying for you too! smile Life is getting tough but hey, we have Him in control of things! smile I have to keep reminding my myself though >< Have a nice day and glorify His name! smile


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