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My name is Jessica. I live in a redneck town (but i am certainly not a redneck) in the middle of BFE. I'm into graphic design, photography, and LOUD MUSIC!!! Any metal or anything with bass will do (except rap). I enjoy a good joke, and scaring the crap out of my friends. Everyone needs to be able to laugh at themselves every once in a while. I am a complete clutz (i managed to sprain my ankle swimming in the atlantic if that gives you any clue) And i am a professional injured person XD.
one last thing: I AM LOUD
That is all

Some of my Art

Ariel from Icon for HIre
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Slenderman was bullied!!!
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Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 10/12/2012 10:46 am


I do too the last one I went was the on on Feb. which was the gigantour

Report | 10/12/2012 10:42 am


Of course they are strict because sometimes it can get dangerous and out of control.
Especially if you are going to lets say Mayhem Festival. Last time I went with my ex and his band members, people started those bonfires behind us and whats worse that where we were placed all of that area was nothing but grass so yea.
But yea... I wish I would have been in the in front of the stage or something so I could show you better footage of the concert and pics but all the qualities are horrible lol

Report | 10/12/2012 10:24 am


Haha well it was recorded on a phone so yea.
Usually its hard to seek in cam records or camera in general since they arent allowed into the concert.
*shrugs* the only thing we manged to take in was our phones, even our wallet chains were taken away so yea -.-

Report | 10/12/2012 9:51 am


Here is the link to the video sorry for the crappy quality and the talking xD

Haha you watch the recently new video for their song 'Trip the darkness' biggrin

Report | 10/12/2012 9:42 am


LC? They are amazing!! LC has alot of good albums actually I have their entire discography on my laptop smile

Report | 10/12/2012 9:35 am


Haha alright, give me some time to upload it onto photobucket and I'll send you the link after biggrin
Haha tattoo needles arent scary the sound is but yea xD

Report | 10/12/2012 9:23 am


Haha if you like I could show you the recording, not the best seats in the house but it was worth getting since I got the chance to see them biggrin
Haha Im scared of those needles that are used in the doctors but not the ones in tattoo/piercing shops which is kinda weird if you ask xD

Report | 10/12/2012 8:57 am


Oh yea, they were here at the Gibson amphitheater in Universal Studios Hollywood. I bus all that from where I lived and back with my bf and it was like 12 or 1 in the night.
I cried when I saw them. They were the opening act for Megadeth.
Im soo happy that my phone manged to last long enough for my bf to record Cristina Scabbia (My idol) singing with Dave Mustang.
After I found out they were touring around US I tried to get the tickets and the VIP pass in order to meet them but I failed. I cried that whole night.
I love them to death. Lacuna Coil is my obsession. I love them so much I might get their lyrics tattooed on my arm <3

Report | 10/12/2012 8:44 am


Haha. Thats so funny because I was actually trying to get their tickets for their concert here in Cali but it was over 100 bucks so I couldnt get them.
Kinda sucks because I like them, though my biggest obsession band wise would be Lacuna Coil <3 I cried when I saw them.

Report | 10/12/2012 8:40 am


Haha. Whats your favorite symphonic metal band?


please help me look like this :]