I'm currently questing the monthly items!! I still need:
emo Angelic Halo
ninja Mini Angel Wings
scream Mini Nightmare Wings
emo Angelic Sash
ninja Devil Tail
scream AFK
emo OMG
ninja Angelic Scarf
scream Nitemare Scarf
emo Fuzzy Penguin Slippers
ninja Baby Seal Slippers
scream Bammi Hat
emo Angelic Pendant
ninja Horns of the Demon
scream Steel Plated Ninja Band
emo Katsune Mask
ninja Golden Laurels
scream Winged Anklets
emo Banni Clips
ninja Goti Clips
scream Demonic Pitch Fork
emo Staff of the Angels
scream BTK
emo Fire Gauntlet
ninja OMFG
scream Demonic Pendant
emo Angelic Bracelet
ninja Solar Cloak
scream Lunar Cloak
emo KiKi Kitty Plushie
ninja RoRo Robo-Puppy
scream Prism Butterfly Mantilla
emo Chestplate of Arachne
ninja Guitar of Angellus
scream Guitar of Demona
emo Bone Dragon Helm
ninja Solar Headdress
scream Lunar Cowl
emo Whip of Fire
ninja Whip of Ice
scream Pandy Pack
emo Hard Shell Pack
ninja CoCo Kitty Plushie
scream Wind Security Blanket
emo Chyaku Narisu Scarf
ninja Dark Halo
scream Ancient Katana
emo The Lusty Scoundrel
ninja War of the Warlords
scream Red Riding Hood
emo Super Powers
ninja Toadstool
scream Stone Gauntlet
emo Snow Feather
ninja Silent Night
Scream: Scarlet Sprite
emo Order of Atlantis
ninja Grizzly Hoodie
:Scream: Heartbreaker
emo Spring Nymph
ninja Techno-Mage
Received Donations:Daven Moto: 512 gold
Chocolate Covered Elphaba: envelope items, gold
~mousethemousse~: tokens, tickets, bugs, flowers, gold, envelopes, collectibles
TehMuleOFake: various items and gifts
the_freak2531: various items, gold and flowers
Silver Wolf Spirit13: 500 gold
Dawn Mako: 10,000 gold
JeyDe-Hicarey: 200 gold
SeaofLove: Items
MangekyoMan: 539 gold
Darthfudge35: 1137 Gold
faerenach: 500 Gold heart THANKS SOOOO VERY MUCH, EVERYONE!
My Code Book...
What kind of code, I wonder...?
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