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XxSerenityxXxMariexX's avatar

Last Login: 01/01/2022 3:18 pm

Gender: Female

Location: New York

Birthday: 10/19

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♥A Little This A Little That♥

♥ "for the first time in my life I know that I'm in love.I could write a thousand songs about you, but they would never be enough"♥

♥I'm Amber Rose a.k.a Serenity Marie♥
♥Yes, this is me-points to the picture below- and yes, my eyes are naturally and quite literally, amber gold.♥
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♥19 years young and engaged to my amazing Tyler Jasper! biggrin . :3♥
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♥On really sad days, my furry daughters Xienna Rose & Binxy Marie make me feel better.They're also great snugglers.These are my girls.-points- ♥
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♥I'm not on to often due to the fact that working a full time job and having an amazing relationship like the one my fiance and I have is very time consuming. I also enjoy the spring weather to much to be indoors. XD :] ♥

♥My Loves: spending time with my fiance,the few friends I have,the high from getting new Tattoos & Piercings,my family, snuggling with my kitties,drawing,singing,dancing,wandering the woods,four-wheeling,listening to music,taking pictures of people & nature,and hanging out with my friends are what I'm usually doing.♥

♥I can be your best friend or your worst enemy.The choice is yours.♥


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Creeped Report | 03/10/2012 3:18 am
x3 i havent been on meez for a long time i got on IMVU now prefer the stuff
i do have a facebook but i rarely if ever go on that to xD
Creeped Report | 03/08/2012 12:57 pm
Well its okay... from what iv seen his new "marriage" isnt doing so well. Oh im not sure if you told me i dont remember either but congrats ^^
i have found some one :3 his the best
well iv been good tho things keep trying to depress me but im keeping a smile on my face ^^ im also trying to find work @.@ so difficult when theres so little to go for
Creeped Report | 02/23/2012 2:16 am
Thats good ^^ yeah i wish things were easyer and cheaper to @.@
im alright i guess, had alot of stressfull things recently
i broke up with him because i got fed up with all his bull crap lies...idk if he told you we lived together and were married but we never were, never saw him in rl life at all. all i had in the almost 3 yrs was some posed pictures. -huggles back-
Creeped Report | 02/20/2012 8:08 am
hey.. not seen you on in a while.. how are you?
Also i am no longer with Trent
DamienXavierChristian Report | 06/30/2011 11:44 am
there i got rid of a bunch of my friends so try adding me again
TylerJasper Report | 03/27/2011 6:07 pm
cool avi
TylerJasper Report | 03/16/2011 9:31 pm
heart Ich liebe dich, meine Konigin! heart
Baphomutt Report | 03/16/2011 11:56 am
Of course =3 btw. Booty Grab...EPIC for getting coins. I've only done a few and am back up til 23k. from like. .12k.
Baphomutt Report | 03/16/2011 11:54 am
Good =3 You need to get better! Lots of liquids and such and rest! =3 No over doing it even if you feel better =3
Baphomutt Report | 03/16/2011 11:50 am
Made amends with an old friend. =3 and just over all in a good mood. OH! AND! I got a 90 on my unit 3 test today!


♥|Sometimes to find true love, you have to stop thinking with your head so much,and just open the eyes of your heart.|♥


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♥My newfound friend avalon who is 100% amazing and wonderful to talk to!♥

♥Kai! :D My best friend irl as well as meh lesbian and IMVU buddy! ^w^ I love chu kai!!!♥

My brother in law Damien :D ♥

My darling fiance ^////^ <3