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Secret_lillies Report | 02/28/2011 7:05 pm
Secret_lillies Report | 02/28/2011 7:02 pm
Takeshi60 Report | 12/29/2010 8:03 pm
you still work for the deadly teddy bear art shop?
Cupcakechan Report | 12/26/2010 12:08 am

Calamiri Report | 12/24/2010 6:03 pm
er.. not really
I don't get to see my bf Q Q becuase he's being a meanie and leave to japan.
and tomorrow i has to prepare food or what ever for my family > >
Hard work.
heheh you?
Calamiri Report | 12/22/2010 7:07 pm
LAWL sorry I-i was tekteking myself > > dammit.
hahaha i thought you would never come back .o.
Calamiri Report | 12/03/2010 4:31 pm
o.0 death.
Did you quit.
Anywho long time no talk eh?
shinlli501 Report | 11/17/2010 6:51 pm
hey hommes thanks for buying >:3
Muzical_Muffinz Report | 11/07/2010 3:19 am
Hi's been quite a while.
Himekai137 Report | 10/16/2010 4:02 pm
This must have been sent a while ago, but it can still apply, right? XD
I know!! I end up lost most times, and she doesn't really explain it that well. I hate the fact that we never spend more than one day on a topic. We learn it and then it's over. I don't remember half the stuff we learned this week. XD
Sorry, useless rant...

Quotes Worth While

- "Do you know why people, fear heights? It is because they are Afraid to Fall --- Afraid to Die. I have overcome that fear. And when I need to clear my mind, I come to think in high places, but you, are you afraid?"

- "I came here knowing I will die, I have accepted that."

~ Akatora - Gen-X-Cops

~The perfect killer has no friends,only targets
~ The perfect killer has no identity
~The perfect killer has no conscience

"The way of the shadows is the way of life"

xXDeathly WhispersXx

xXDeathly WhispersXx's avatar

Gender: Male

Birthday: 04/15


Rawr I'm Whispers
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I'm 16 and currently finding life a bit stressful and boring. Work, driving, school, friends, wish I could've travelled. However, I have been met with a challenge...getting my Blue back...<3 Yupp yupp, he's the only one for me, I love him to death and won't rest until he's mine again! <3
So, if you don't get the hint, I'm gay. Don't like it? Leave. ^^ Thank you!
And if you're still here after that breaking news, then I guess I can tell you a bit more about myself.
I like
~Music (Jpop, some Country, a bit of Rap, Rock, Hip Hop w/e)
~Sherlock Holmes
~Yaoi/shonen-ai *grins* (I ish no uke though, Seme, or suke. ;P ) -for those of you who know what I mean...<3
~Chocolate milk
~Almost any kind of music
~people who do stupid things and don't mean too
~Dane cook
~Action movies
~Quotes that make sense
~Blue and Green eyes...actually, any eyes that look interesting. x] (It's not a fetish...)
~The color GREEN

I dislike
~Fish (creeeppppy buggers)
~ And cheese. D: Ick

So, not a lot of things I dislike. I don't bite, so feel free to pm me anytime.
I'm random, and find myself to be socially imparied/awkward. So If I ask you a random question that comes out of no where...please-don't run for the hills.

The love of my life you <3 I can't live without you, please, forgive me.

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Avi Art

Thanks honi <3
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Thanks lillies! <333
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Thank you Zelda! x] <33
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"To Fear Death.... It is to Limit Life"

*glomps* Himmy-chan! <33

~The perfect killer has no friends,only targets

~ The perfect killer has no identity

I'll do whatever it takes to get you back