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i W Y N N

i W Y N N's avatar

Last Login: 06/01/2024 10:27 am

Registered: 06/30/2009

Gender: Female

Birthday: 08/21

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Posts per Day: 0.55

Total Posts: 3162

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Brainstorming Sparkles
Spritney Beers
Im a penguin

People who've drawn me <3

rmbr when i spent most time in the amc




I should probably change a lot of things on here but I'm so tired.
I'm not sure how I've stayed here for so long, it's probably the events and the games like kindred.
and zomg

anyways im mostly here now:
steam for elsword and monster hunter


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Tiki Huggies Report | 01/25/2017 11:54 pm
Oh okay, no worries then. Sounds good ^u^

Awwww really? That's amazing!! I'm glad to hear that she has made your days so much brighter.

Ohhh nice nice. I don't have the game but I do want it and I've only played Overwatch
Uhhh not much really, just been dog sitting here and there. Uhh kind of, but I'll tell you what new with me if that's what you're asking?
Tiki Huggies Report | 01/25/2017 4:37 pm
I remember adding you on fb too but don't remember this, " about a year ago i made a new account and kinda deleted everyone???"
Are you on fb more often than you are on Gaia or about the same? Cause I really want to be able to talk to again and more often x3

I've been good ^u^ and you? Hmmm, laos? I can't recall going anywhere recently >.< sorry...

Me too >: I honestly miss playing zOMG..
Tiki Huggies Report | 01/23/2017 7:16 pm
AAAAAA YAY~! It makes me so happy to hear that blaugh
Oh you did? I guess Gaia erased it(?) because I never got it? Owo
That's okay, I haven't been on often either ever since they took zOMG out.
It's really good to hear back from you though!
Tiki Huggies Report | 01/15/2017 9:23 pm
I hope you remember me by the way..
if not, that's okay. sweatdrop
I'm actually not really expecting any of my friends here on gaia to remember who I am anymore since i haven't been on as often as I used to.
Tiki Huggies Report | 01/15/2017 9:21 pm
It's been a while.. Hope all has been good for you [:
Just wanted to say "hi".
Tiki Huggies Report | 06/03/2014 1:02 pm
Tiki Huggies Report | 04/29/2014 8:11 pm
Tiki Huggies Report | 04/22/2014 2:53 pm
Yes it is.. it's been way too long xD
I'm good, how about you?
I'm playing zomg at the moment, what about you?
Tiki Huggies Report | 04/22/2014 2:27 pm
OMG~! You're on, long time no talk huh..? I missed you~
KizuRya Report | 04/05/2014 11:30 am
Maybe, I ******** get adulthood q.q im a few months away
