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silver-nuckle's avatar

Last Login: 01/14/2024 3:14 pm

Gender: Male

Location: England

Birthday: 06/07


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If pets are like their owners...[/align:7f9be8d884] [img:7f9be8d884][/img:7f9be8d884][/align:7f9be8d884]



Hi people! mrgreen

I'm called silver but also known as John. I prefer either its up to you really. lol

I'm a student of a collage in England and studying photography and even working part time as a photographer and so that is why I am now posting some images of my work on the art part of GAIA but I don't want people to just look at them I also want to meet people and this being an American popular site I thought it would be sweet to meet some new people so feel free to talk to me even if we haven't met, it gets pretty lonely on here when not many people talk to you. gonk lol I like a chat while I'm working on my next project; it makes things more interesting while I work on it xd

I like using film and digital photography, hate it when it comes out bad but we all need improvements in some things we just forget to do it now and a while but what can you do?

I have attempted to RP but its pretty hard to do that when I live in England and this being an American we are literally at opposite ends and so when most people are up I'm sleeping and when most people are sleeping I'm up! You see how it can be a bit confusing along with work I find it pretty good but I still enjoy trying it once in a while so send me an invite to one if you want...I might just get used to being up in the night and up early all morning sweatdrop lmao

There are other things to me then what I write so you'll have to talk to me to get to know me a bit more. 3nodding

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Empress of Pure Gold Report | 02/10/2011 12:15 pm
Empress of Pure Gold
You need to post! 3nodding
Sir_Adol Report | 11/03/2010 11:20 pm
Trying to get rid of gaia addictxD... I can play all day on gaiaxD
Sir_Adol Report | 11/01/2010 7:23 pm
how r u?
Sir_Adol Report | 10/31/2010 6:22 pm
lol.. ik dude we didnt communicate.. bt we cn start nw.. lol...
saw d friend list.. suddenly o this guy added me though nv on d same crew xd
Sir_Adol Report | 10/30/2010 9:19 pm
u added me cz my avi?
Sir_Adol Report | 10/24/2010 7:02 pm
meet u in d rally cheese_whine


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