she's an old cow, a lazy cow. likes to stick you in the side with straw...moooo.equipped, i am genetically female. mentally, i believe in the unified experience of one's own androgyny. worldly androgyny. for this little adventure, that unsent "y" manifests in a cyber cartoon. it'll suit me for a while. we are whatever we wish to be, with only a limited set of certainties. and we carry on...
affinities, ambitions, and affiliations:
-(now mostly only in observation) glow/fire poi. fire dancing. male exotic dancers.
-things that affect the senses and develop into some form of inspiration and/or evocation of thought.
-environmental awareness, and doing one's best to be adherent and compliant to the requests of nature. find the balance if and when possible.
-CLEAN ENERGY and RECYCLING. no, coal and natural gas wouldn't fall under this blanket as far as i'm concerned (tear up a mountain, drain bloods/fluids between the terra firma, pollute water, and generally never manage to capture all the wastes...doesn't sound like a plan). if there is a way (and there is), just go with it, make it, enforce it...as much as you're capable. resist being fleas and cancers.
-kindness and compassion toward the other animals. humans can fend for themselves, but not a bad idea to help them, too.
-the "right to habitat". this is my little phrase, i made it myself. biggrin ummm, so keeping right along... ...the forests and grasses are not only themselves living, but they are also home. do you see the earth?
-intactivist. decisions for body alterations should only be made by the *well* educated adult (and usually to whomever the part in question belongs), especially when nerve and tissue are involved. i'll leave it there.
i'm advancing in bodily age. married, to a male. i am female. i work. it all seems to work. my children are bunnies, they demand homage and loyalty, and will show no mercy. i'm but a menial...
...nature for governor.
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