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-Mein_Mallowness-'s avatar

Last Login: 10/31/2009 7:08 pm

Gender: Female

Location: In the deep recesses of my mind, hiding.


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Things I post out of pure boredom.

In this journal, I'll write about whatever happens to be on my mind, whether it be music, food, friends, books, anything I so desire.


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Rejoice, brothers. Random stuff about me here, in the about me section. I have a calico cat, named Nekko. I like anime and manga, which is what sparked my interest in Gaia. Despite popular belief, I am not emo. Please don't confuse my style with emo. I do as I please, and act on impulse sometimes even though other things in my life need to be carefully planned out, because I have learned as you get older, you need more order in your life or it gets screwed up and you end up angry. I like to eat, like a pig, but stay skinny. I'm really pale, and everyone seems to comment on it. I realize my skin color is light, and I don't care. I'm straight, regardless of how my Mexican and I act. People thnk I'm either bi or les and i don't quite know why. I am atheist and don't want to argue about how God is real because I do that almost every week with my mother it seems. I speak a bit germn, and am going to Germany this summer. I'm open minded so don't worry too much about freaking me out, just making me angry. I grow weary of typing abouts myself, so if you have any questions, pm me. Keep this page clean and fairly unsexual, my mother will seek you out and kill you after killing me. Enjoy your visit.


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rose misery Report | 07/08/2009 6:01 pm
rose misery
hey do you like my new out fit??? i dressed up like miki off of shugo chara
PeTiTnUaGe Report | 06/22/2009 12:46 pm
Thanks =^___^=

Your foxy is cute too
PeTiTnUaGe Report | 06/22/2009 12:36 pm
Thanks for buying~ heart
rose misery Report | 05/23/2009 9:41 am
rose misery
=^_^= XD your profile is so cool!!!1
rose misery Report | 05/23/2009 9:40 am
rose misery
hi =^_^=
Sarcasm for Breakfast Report | 05/17/2009 6:21 pm
Sarcasm for Breakfast
Hello random person with a familiar name, whom I think I've seen on my first time in towns a few days ago.
Am I correct as to who you are?
RedHottie11 Report | 03/28/2009 2:09 pm
oh i live in iowa
RedHottie11 Report | 03/14/2009 11:24 am
wot state do u live in?
RedHottie11 Report | 03/12/2009 3:19 pm
wow that sux
RedHottie11 Report | 03/08/2009 6:56 pm
oh wow that sucks where do u live?


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