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Persais13's avatar

Last Login: 08/21/2018 12:59 pm

Gender: Female

Birthday: 09/29

Equipped List

Me at a glance

      Oh herrow there. My name's Lauren; you can call me by that or Persais, or 'Sais. c:

      I'm a 16 year old with an obsession for small cute things and internet emoticons.
      I love to draw; I hope one day to get really good and have a huge audience to
      inspire with my own works. C:
      I do a lot of random crafts and things- pretty much whatever strikes my interest
      at any given time.
      Foreign accents, traveling, children movies, animation, documentaries,
      technology, and animals all strike my fancy. c:

      I don't get on gaia very much anymore, but to any of my old friends who happen upon my page whether by boredom or chance, I'd just like to say that I'd love to get back in touch with any of you <3
      I'm only really ever active on my DA, so you have one please feel free to stop by<3


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astrenose Report | 07/31/2013 2:13 am
Aww, thank you. To clarify, I never mind stalking. I miss you too persais.
Kitcat6363 Report | 09/29/2012 10:45 am
Happy Birthday Pers!! 4laugh emotion_bigheart emotion_hug
- c h o c o l a a t e e Report | 07/19/2012 8:32 am
hey i've can you make avi art??;o
lovely_sidney Report | 12/17/2011 3:51 pm
Thanks for buying.
flowerXtears Report | 06/21/2011 8:47 am
i like your page and avi..
: P
and thanks for visiting my page.. !!
: D : D : D
Kitcat6363 Report | 02/24/2011 2:08 pm
Oh no crying crying crying

See, on Monday I leave for Arizona--I'm going to get inpatient treatment there for my OCD and anxiety, which have been so debilitating that I've had to take medical leave from college this and last semester. I just confirmed today that I won't have any computer access whatsoever when I'm there. I thought I'd probably end up eliminated anyways by the time I had to leave, but then we had 2-3 weeks without any challenges... and if I just don't turn anything in I don't even get a consolation prize for sticking with it and working so hard in the show so far crying
Kitcat6363 Report | 02/24/2011 1:57 pm
Hey, Cocappeh, are we going to find out who got eliminated, and get a new challenge, tomorrow? It's been weeks!! crying
Kitcat6363 Report | 02/12/2011 4:32 pm
Challenge?? *puppy dog eyes*
arat269 Report | 02/06/2011 8:30 pm
Something pretty! : o

xD I wouldn't ask you for anything though. I'm not greedy! : P
arat269 Report | 02/06/2011 5:53 pm
I know what you should buy...

Me a birthday gift! ;3
