So Im just your average ordinary superhero... Ok, no im not but i would love to be one!My name is Amber. I live in a little town in the middle of nowhere. I have a younger brother and sister.
I have the awesomest friends in like the history of ever. There's Kayla, Shaquandra, Keymont, Alyssa, Mandy... all of my other people.
I tend to be kind of a loner. I don't like to be around people all that much. Don't get me wrong I love hanging out with my friends and junk but... I like my me time. Me time consists of siting in my room ipod on shuffle, reading a book, writing something or texting... or... all of the above.
My friends tend to say that I react to things with to much emotion... I personally think that I react with just the right amount.
I have a very short temper. I mean you can just look at me wrong and I am bout ready to go off...
Me and Kayla have so many inside jokes its not even funny... *JP laugh*
I hate people stero-typing me! God! That gets on my effin nerves so bad.
I think putting my actions into the little star thinggies is the awesomest thing in the world. *grins*
I try to help my friends and family as much as I can.. but half the time I can't even help myself.
I think the best place to be is in my room, musik blasting and a good book.
And yes I spell musik with a k.
I friggin' love Photobucket. I think its one of the awesomest sites ever created. Along with Fanfiction, MySpace, Facebook, and Quizilla.
Sarcasm is one of God's greatest gifts he gave me. I love and use it all the time.
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so you like secondhand serenade?
you've got a great taste for music friend