4laugh Some of the things that make me happy
{ The name is still Gabbie- short for Gabriela
Welcome my funhouse, we may be older and a little bruised but we're still full of heart}
(My Favorite Quotes)
"My Plan was Perfect, But there was one thing I over looked. One Factor I failed to calculate....He's a dumb-a**..and there is no accounting for dumb-a**.....ness."
"Sometimes the thoughts in my head scare me... kind of makes me glad I can separate myself from me."
"Prefer punishment to disgraceful gain; for the one is painful but once, but the other for one's whole life."
— Chilon of Sparta
We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.
— Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., Mother Night
"I Don't Only Want To Rain On Your Parade... I Want To Blow Up All The Floats"
"Cause I'm the f***ing queen of the world, get on your knees!"
"You Fail as a Human Being."
"If You Can't Dazzle Them With Brilliance, Baffle Them With Bullshit."
"Never explain yourself. Your friends don't need it and your enemies won't believe it."
"Our futures are what me make of them and are past memories are set in stone."
Ai Otsuka - Cherish
Itsuka |Koko de Toki W/o O.e.t.e.m.o Even if Some Day, Our Time W/ere to E.n.d
Zutto /Atashi anata W/o a.i.s.h.i.t.e I Could Imagine I'd be Loving You For /All E.t.e.r.n.i.t.y
Te W/o |Nobasashiteru to O.m.o.e.t.a no... |Reaching Out To You F.o.r.e.v.e.r

Please Click My Dragons, Don't worry they wont bite. (much)

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btw cool avi