Viewing Invalid Human's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


Hey, Im Angelica, Im 13 and I live in Portugal.
I have 4 best friends, 1 who plays a lot of gaia, the other who always goes on facebook, another who likes music and drawing, like me, and the last one who is just starting gaia, which is Aji, Sophia, Gaby and the other Sofia! I luf them, they so cool razz
I also have other friends like Sarah, Gui, he can be a pain at times but hes really funny, Gaby, Duncan, Daniel, Yoeri, Rosa Lee and Missy... i have lots of others although these are my best!
The music I like is already answered on my Media thing.
My favourite movies are Pirates of the Caribean 3, I am Legend, Independence Day, Hancock... lol I am a fan of Will Smith.
I like to hang out with loads of friends and go out somewhere, I like reading, although i was absolutely addicted to books when I was a little younger but I dont read as much anymore. My favourite books are the Twilight series, and then i like mostly action/adventure books.
I like to draw anime and reality although I always mix the anime and reality together so it doesnt look that good, so I just stick to anime drawings. My talent came from my cousin Aglaia, although she draws reality not anime. I may be able to learn from her though razz
I LOVE listening to music or/and drawing while Im bored as hell, its my all time favourite, I love going to bed late and then sleeping late, its my schedule in weekends and holidays.^_^

Please help me get this Avi:

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Viewing 12 of 13 friends


Hi, im Cute Pockets

Hi, umm i dont really no what your supposed to right here.....but anyway, if you wanna rp, please pm me.


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 07/14/2010 6:42 am


i like your profile background

Report | 07/09/2009 3:13 am


-glomp- Herrow! User Image

Report | 03/10/2009 6:42 am



It’s come to my attention that your activity on The Shadow Star Elite guild has slowed to a halt over the last month or two. It’s fine if you have a valid reason for your absence but we’d like to know roughly when you’ll be back if not at all.

Sadly to maintain the guild and focus on the active members the following action will be taken, you will have a period of two weeks to log onto the guild and re-establish your activity or else I will have to ban you, after one week you will be reminded of this encroaching deadline.

You must understand that this isn’t because of any wrong doing on your behalf but for the fore mentioned reasons. And if you find that you have been banned when you come back feel free to rejoin.

I hope you get active as I hate removing members from the guild but I advice that in future you post on the Absence thread on the main page of the guild in future outlining how long you’ll be gone for and when you’ll be back. If you don’t wish to continue your subscription to the guild, please cancel it in the guild or don’t replay to the message and I shall after the notice period.

Thank you for your attention to this matter


Report | 02/13/2009 1:56 pm


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Happy Valentine's Day...

...and may the Love be with you ; D
Sargent HappyFaic

Report | 01/25/2009 10:30 am

Sargent HappyFaic


Oh, I see. Does it make you feel tough, to hack someone else's account? Do you feel superior, to have the ability to be able to take someone else's VERY hard earned items and gold? I mean, seriously, how pathetic can a human being get? But I suppose you aren't human, are you? Yeah, that's right. ******** off. ******** off you little c**t.

And watch out, by the way. Who knows... I might be a hacker too. I might be able to get into your computer, find you. So, you watch your back. I might be right behind you. Following you closely, watching your every move, until the time that I can strike. Don't go out into the shadows because, who knows, I might be waiting for you, right there. Ready with a knife, and slit your throat with such ease...

Report | 01/24/2009 1:11 pm


WHO THE HELL R U??? why did u hack angelica's acount???? u stupid idiotic flippin person!!!!! GET OFF HER ACOUNT RIGHT NOW!!!!! IF I KNEW WHO U WERE I WLD KILL U, ND U DO NOT WNT 2 KNOW WAT I WLD SAY 2 U!!!! ARRRR!!!!! GO KILL URSELF!!!

Report | 01/03/2009 9:58 am


nice page, User Image

Report | 12/31/2008 2:48 am


Angelica here

Report | 12/19/2008 8:24 am


ye, sre!!!


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