Hey, Im Angelica, Im 13 and I live in Portugal.
I have 4 best friends, 1 who plays a lot of gaia, the other who always goes on facebook, another who likes music and drawing, like me, and the last one who is just starting gaia, which is Aji, Sophia, Gaby and the other Sofia! I luf them, they so cool
razz I also have other friends like Sarah, Gui, he can be a pain at times but hes really funny, Gaby, Duncan, Daniel, Yoeri, Rosa Lee and Missy... i have lots of others although these are my best!
The music I like is already answered on my Media thing.
My favourite movies are Pirates of the Caribean 3, I am Legend, Independence Day, Hancock... lol I am a fan of Will Smith.
I like to hang out with loads of friends and go out somewhere, I like reading, although i was absolutely addicted to books when I was a little younger but I dont read as much anymore. My favourite books are the Twilight series, and then i like mostly action/adventure books.
I like to draw anime and reality although I always mix the anime and reality together so it doesnt look that good, so I just stick to anime drawings. My talent came from my cousin Aglaia, although she draws reality not anime. I may be able to learn from her though
razz I LOVE listening to music or/and drawing while Im bored as hell, its my all time favourite, I love going to bed late and then sleeping late, its my schedule in weekends and holidays.^_^
Please help me get this Avi:

Hi, im Cute Pockets
Hi, umm i dont really no what your supposed to right here.....but anyway, if you wanna rp, please pm me.

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