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Some stories~
Jay~(chapter one)
~The beginning~
Jay could feel the wind blowing through his hair like a gentle caress.He was relaxing by a lake.I mean THE lake,the lake where he spent his summers coming home from school.Swimming staring at the coral and other sea animals that seem to somehow find there way into this shallow at first then getting deeper by the more feet you go lake.The lake is crystal clear all bright and shiny,looking like a thousand diamonds,you can see right through it.There's a little sand here and there but,mostly just lush grass- that is bending left and right with no danger of breaking-around the sides of the lake.Minnows are everywhere very strange that fresh water and salt water animals and plant life can all survive in this lake.It's like this is where they come to mingle and live in peace no matter what kind of fish or plant they are liveing beside(haha now theres a thought non-racist fish(not that I'm racist).If all fish can live together and not kill each other then why can we?

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