☩ David Temption ☩
David's eyes had been glued to the window while Holden came in with the cop and Jason soon came to the sceen. The back and forth was geeting on his nerves and their ideas were really a bit much. This is when he took the last of his ginger ale, chugged it, crushed the can and tossed it into the trash, then turned to the trio. "Holly...I love you to death...But you are stupid as hell...You bring in an injured cop here, get his DNA everywhere, talk about things that let off what s**t you're into and don't even tie the guy's legs to the ********' chair?" David said, then rubbed his temples before walking over to Jason. "Jay...Do me a favor, get that gun out of here before I decided to use it.." David hated being stern, as was evidence of the sneer of disgust on his face. He walked over to the cop, looking over his suit a few times before sighing. "Fella looks like a detective or under cover cop....Killing him WOULD bring heat on us since the department knows is last location or places he's usualy at, guessing Holden didn't pluck him too far from here so they'd be all over us..." David looked around at the two, shifting his lip from side to side. The cop's request caught David's attention from before but he looked back down to the spook and sighed. "Sorry officer, we don't much care for anyone else other than our own...You should know that about now.."
David fiddled with his goatee for a moment, he eased