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Random Junk
Random junk I feel like posting =O
Yea so
Today has been crazy I taught Sunday School like normal and then my family and I went to lunch like normal. We got to talking about basketball and how the Warriors might beat the Mavs (after tonight I'm thinking it will porbably happen) and I got really frustrated with mom because she was bashing the Mavericks, saying they were a highschool team not a professional team. Well I overreacted and went off on some rant about how Golden State are my least favorite team (which IS true) and mom gets up from the table in the middle of the restaraunt and leaves. It was really weird and looking back almost funny how we both overreacted and lost controll the way we did. It will take a miracle but still, I HOPE DALLAS KICKS GOLDEN STATE'S a** ON TUESDAY and win err keep it close at Golden state

Anyways, I'm hoping tomorrow is less stressful o-o;