Red and black and sparkly
I feel so depressed right now. I don't know why. Ugh...and this week was okay too...I got a B on a math quiz today...and the science project (though most all the work is dumped on me) is going well and it's due Tuesday...I don't wanna present...oi...
I had another bout of my famous jealousy today while sitting in math. If it wasn't for the fact that there were people in the room, I probably would have burst into tears. Why? I thought I was getting over all this, but I'm not. Damnit...I still need improvement...curse myself to Hell...
I also feel lovesick still...sigh...sometimes I can only wish...but wishing never did me any good...
And now my nails are painted, red and black and sparkly. After showering, I got bored, so I painted them half black, then half red, then coated them in sparkly stuff. Woo hoo.
At least I get to sleep in this weekend...I also crave a kitty...donate to me! And if you can see this, post so in the comments.
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