Appearently, this ended up being a pretty dangerous one. xD From what I understand, Bob got a third degree burn on his leg, as well as getting it infected, and Gernard broke his foot. Oo
OH! I remembered something. For those who almost ended up ditching the band because of Gernard's hair color change, he DID dye it back, about three months ago. Now, I never really cared, because it's his body and hair, and he can do what he wants with it. I personally kind of liked it. :3 HOWEVER, everyone else I knew seemed to like moping about how horrible it looked, and how the Black parade wasn't MCR anymore. WTF? I think it fit perfectly with their style, and that song is one of my favorites.
Well, that was a good rant. 3nodding I didn't mean to offend anyone, and love to anyone out there who I may have insulted. I just can't turn my back on these weirdos, no matter how much hair dye they may use. ^.^
Orange Affair · Tue Feb 06, 2007 @ 02:32am · 0 Comments |